Paste #14974: Edit of P#14973 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/04/07 20:13:44 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: task
  debug: false
    - if <context.args.get[2].is[==].to[null]||true> && !<player.has_flag[dhg.edit]> { 
      - narrate "<&6>/dhg scan_chests <&lt>Arena ID<&gt>" 
      - narrate "<&6>Either select an arena or provide an arena name" 
      - queue clear 
    - if <context.args.get[2].is[==].to[null]||true> define arena <player.flag[dhg.edit]>
      else define arena <context.args.get[2]>
    - if %arena% != <def[arena].escaped> { 
      - narrate "<&6>That value doesn't look right." 
      - queue clear 
    - if <yaml[dhunger_saves].contains[dhg.arenas.%arena%]> && <server.list_notables[cuboids].contains[cu@dhg_%arena%]> {
      - define chests 'li@'
      - foreach <cu@dhg_%arena%.list_partial_chunks> {
        - foreach <def[value].cuboid.get_blocks[chest,1|chest,2|chest,3|chest,4|chest,5|chest,6]> {
          - if <def[value].is_within[dhg_%arena%]> {
            - define chests '<def[chests].include[%value%]>'
      else {
      - narrate "<&6>Arena with that name not found."