Paste #15028: Denizen Debug Logs From 9l┏bl━9l━bl━9l━bl━9l━bl► elM6lineelC6lonomy el

Date: 2015/04/11 17:19:20 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.7.0_75
Up-time: 16h 45m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-c136710-350cb99 (MC: 1.8.3)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.05 (Build Unknown), CraftBukkit: 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT (build 171)
Active Plugins (24): zPermissions: 1.3-SNAPSHOT, WorldBorder: 1.7.8, Chairs: 4.5, Warps: 0.17-SNAPSHOTb-11, 
SignEdit: 3.3.8, WorldEdit: 6.0.2-SNAPSHOT;3370-58aac973, Craftconomy3: 3.1.7-SNAPSHOT jenkins-Craftconomy3-2162, 
Teleports: 0.50b-22, Homes: 0.50b-6, BungeeSuiteSpawn: 0.5b-8, Vault: 1.5.3-b${env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}, 
Multiverse-Core: 2.5-b691, Votifier: 1.9, Herochat: 5.6.7-SNAPSHOT, MyHelpPages: 1.4.2, 
Bans: 0.50b-8, BungeeSuitePortals: 0.5b-9, ChatPing: 1.0, Citizens: 2.0.15-SNAPSHOT (build 1221), 
LiftSign: 0.4.1, BungeeChatClient: 0.3, Denizen: 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT (build 171), 
VanishNoPacket: 3.19.2-SNAPSHOT-no-rev, Depenizen: 0.2.1 (build 245)
Loaded Worlds (2): Station, test
Online Players (1): Nilsentience(Nilsentience)
Offline Players: 382
Mode: offline

20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'Event': Type='on player enters notable cuboid'  
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Building event 'ON PLAYER ENTERS NOTABLE CUBOID' for 
                   DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol'... 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol' Executing: IF 
                   "<c.from.cuboids.is_empty>" "{" "-" "event" "player exits 
                   notable cuboid" 
                   "save:exit" "-" "if" 
                   "<entry[exit].determinations.get[1]||null>" "==" "cancelled" 
                   "{" "-" "determine" "cancelled" "}" "}" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <c.from.cuboids.is_empty> with 'false'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol' Executing: DEFINE 
                   "world" "<>" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': 
                   queue='DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol'  definition='world'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol' Executing: DEFINE 
                   "cuboids" "<>" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'li@'. 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': 
                   definition='cuboids'  value='li@' 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol' Executing: IF 
                   "<def[cuboids].is_empty>" "{" "-" "define" "cache" 
                   "-" "if" "%cache%" "==" "null" "{" "-" "define" "FlagScript" 
                   "s@dRegions_Flag_Entry" "-" "inject" "s@dRegions_Flag_Entry" 
                   "p:event-global" "-" "queue" "clear" "}" "-" "if" "!%cache%" 
                   "{" "-" "run" "s@dRegions_Flag_Entry" "p:msg" "delay:1t" "-" 
                   "determine" "cancelled" "}" "-" "run" "s@dRegions_Flag_Entry" 
                   "p:entered-global" "delay:1t" "play... * snip! * 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[cuboids].is_empty> with 'true'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol' Executing: DEFINE 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %world% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   <player.flag[dRegions.cache.test.__global__.entry]||null> with 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': 
                   queue='DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol'  definition='cache'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol' Executing: IF 
                   "%cache%" "==" "null" "{" "-" "define" "FlagScript" 
                   "s@dRegions_Flag_Entry" "-" "inject" "s@dRegions_Flag_Entry" 
                   "p:event-global" "-" "queue" "clear" "}" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %cache% with 'true'. 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(true)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='Element(null)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol' Executing: IF 
                   "!%cache%" "{" "-" "run" "s@dRegions_Flag_Entry" "p:msg" 
                   "delay:1t" "-" "determine" "cancelled" "}" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %cache% with 'true'. 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol' Executing: RUN 
                   "s@dRegions_Flag_Entry" "p:entered-global" "delay:1t" 
                   "player:<player>" "def:%world%|__global__" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ...replacing the linked player with <player> 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %world% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY(ITEM)'  
                   path='entered-global'  delay='d@1t'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %1% as test 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %2% as __global__ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Delaying TimedQueue 
                   'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' for 'd@1t'... 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol' Executing: QUEUE 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: QUEUE/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'QUEUE': 
                   queue='q@DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol'  Action='CLEAR' 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Completing queue 'DREGIONS_TESTING_DEBUG_BeeKitsLol' in 15ms. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' 
                   Executing: NARRATE "%1% %2% %3% %4%" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '__global__'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: NARRATE "%1% %2% %3% %4%") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: NARRATE "%1% %2% %3% %4%") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %4% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='test __global__ null null'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' 
                   Executing: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Notify-Enter" "p:event-global" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '__global__'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Notify-Enter" 
                   "p:event-global" "def:%1%|%2%|%3%|<player>") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='DREGIONS_FLAG_NOTIFY-ENTER(ITEM)'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %world% as test 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %region% as __global__ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %orderedRegions% as null 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %player% as 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' 
                   Executing: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Greeting" "p:event-global" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '__global__'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Greeting" 
                   "p:event-global" "def:%1%|%2%|%3%|<player>") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='DREGIONS_FLAG_GREETING(ITEM)'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %world% as test 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %region% as __global__ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %orderedRegions% as null 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %player% as 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' 
                   Executing: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Inventory" "p:event-enter" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '__global__'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Inventory" 
                   "p:event-enter" "def:%1%|%2%|%3%|<player>") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='DREGIONS_FLAG_INVENTORY(ITEM)'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %world% as test 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %region% as __global__ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %orderedRegions% as null 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %player% as 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' 
                   Executing: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Gamemode" "p:event-enter" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '__global__'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Gamemode" 
                   "p:event-enter" "def:%1%|%2%|%3%|<player>") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='DREGIONS_FLAG_GAMEMODE(ITEM)'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %world% as test 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %region% as __global__ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %orderedRegions% as null 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %player% as 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' 
                   Executing: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Heal-Amount" "p:event-global" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '__global__'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Heal-Amount" 
                   "p:event-global" "def:%1%|%2%|%3%|<player>") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='DREGIONS_FLAG_HEAL-AMOUNT(ITEM)'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %world% as test 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %region% as __global__ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %orderedRegions% as null 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %player% as 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' 
                   Executing: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Feed-Amount" "p:event-global" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '__global__'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Feed-Amount" 
                   "p:event-global" "def:%1%|%2%|%3%|<player>") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='DREGIONS_FLAG_FEED-AMOUNT(ITEM)'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %world% as test 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %region% as __global__ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %orderedRegions% as null 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %player% as 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' 
                   Executing: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Receive-Chat" "p:event-enter" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '__global__'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Receive-Chat" 
                   "p:event-enter" "def:%1%|%2%|%3%|<player>") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='DREGIONS_FLAG_RECEIVE-CHAT(ITEM)'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %world% as test 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %region% as __global__ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %orderedRegions% as null 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %player% as 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' 
                   Executing: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Weather-Lock" "p:event-enter" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '__global__'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Weather-Lock" 
                   "p:event-enter" "def:%1%|%2%|%3%|<player>") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='DREGIONS_FLAG_WEATHER-LOCK(ITEM)'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %world% as test 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %region% as __global__ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %orderedRegions% as null 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %player% as 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Queue 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' 
                   Executing: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Time-Lock" "p:event-enter" 
20:01:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Nilsentience ---------+ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'test'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '__global__'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY'! Unknown definition 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: RUN "s@dRegions_Flag_Time-Lock" 
                   "p:event-enter" "def:%1%|%2%|%3%|<player>") 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
20:01:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='DREGIONS_FLAG_TIME-LOCK(ITEM)'  
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %world% as test 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %region% as __global__ 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %orderedRegions% as null 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Adding definition %player% as 
20:01:01 [INFO]  Completing queue 
                   'DREGIONS_FLAG_ENTRY_LivedMicrophoneApplicable' in 25ms.