Paste #15032: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/04/11 21:16:09 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: assignment
    on assignment:
    - flag npc 'jarvenspawn:<npc.location>'
    - trigger name:damage toggle:true

    on death:
    - define npcName '<[<&co>].strip_color>'
    - foreach <npc.flag[BossHitList].as_list> {
      - flag <def[value].as_player> 'BossKills:->:%npcName%'
      - title 'title:%npcName%' 'subtitle:Has been defeated!' stay:5s
    - flag <npc> BossHitList:!
    - flag player hit%npcName%:!

    on damage:
    - define npcName '<[<&co>].strip_color>'
    - if <npc.flag[BossHitList].as_list> !contains <player.uuid> {
      - flag npc 'BossHitList:->:<player.uuid>'
    - flag player hit%npcName% duration:60s

  type: interact
      Proximity Trigger:
            - if <player.flag[killingjarven]||false> {
              - random {
                - narrate format:cchat "Hey you, get me outta here!"
                - narrate format:cchat "I don't want to die! HELP ME!"
              else {
              - random {
                - narrate format:cchat "Help me!"
                - narrate format:cchat "Get me out of here please!"

      Click Trigger:
          - if <player.flag[killingjarven]||false> {
            - ENGAGE
            - narrate format:cchat "Oh thank you for saving me!"
            - ^execute as_server "npc sel 59"
            - wait 2
            - narrate format:cchat "I'm coming with you"
            - flag player savedjathir:true
            - ^execute as_npc "sentry guard <>"
            - zap s@Jathir 2
            - flag npc ownerplayer:<>
            - DISENGAGE
            else {
            - narrate format:cchat "Shh you will bring them to me!"
      Click Trigger:
          - if <player.flag[killingjarven]||false> {
            - narrate format:cchat "Lets get out of here!"
            else {
            - narrate format:cchat "Thank you for helping me, now im just keeping watch!"

    type: assignment
        on assignment:
        - trigger name:proximity state:true
        - trigger name:chat state:true
    interact scripts:
    - 1 Jathir

  type: interact
      Proximity trigger:
            - random 3
            - narrate "You overhear a man sobbing while saying the name Jathir"
            - narrate "You hear a man scream hysterically"
            - narrate format:cchat "Hey <> can you help me? I need to speak with you! Please!?"
      Click Trigger:
          - ENGAGE
          - narrate format:cchat "Oh thank you <>, I have a huge favor to ask of you!"
          - wait 3
          - narrate format:cchat "My son Jathir went out to play in the fields and he hasn't come back yet!"
          - wait 7
          - narrate format:cchat "He said that he was going to play near The Old Mine, I'm worried about him!"
          - wait 4
          - narrate format:cchat "Will you help me find him?"
          - narrate format:hint "You can say Yes or No!"
          - DISENGAGE
      Chat Trigger:
          trigger: /Yes/, I will help you!
            - narrate format:cchat "Oh thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me!"
            - wait 4
            - narrate format:cchat "I can give you some directions to The Old Mine!"
            - wait 3
            - narrate format:cchat "If you go out the east entrance of town, continue up the road and you will come to a small path to the right that leads to The Old Mine"
            - wait 4
            - narrate format:cchat "Please tell me if you find him!"
            - flag player killingjarven:true
            - execute as_server 'npc spawn 59'
            - wait 3
            - title "title:<gold>- Quest Started -" "subtitle:<white>Find Jathir"
            - zap s@jathir1 2
          trigger: /No/, I'm sorry, I'm very busy!
            - narrate format:cchat "Please, if you get time please let me know! I miss my son!"
      Click Trigger:
          - if <player.flag[savedjathir]> {
            - ENGAGE
            - narrate format:cchat "Did you find my Jathir?"
            - wait 2
            - narrate "You inform him that you found his son!"
            - wait 3
            - narrate format:cchat "Jathir!!! My baby boy is home!"
            - narrate "The man starts crying uncontrollably"
            - wait 4
            - narrate format:cchat "What Happened to you my boy?"
            - wait 3
            - narrate "You inform him that Jathir had been kidnapped by some bandits and that you dispatched them!"
            - wait 3
            - narrate format:cchat "Thank you! I don't know how I would go on without him..."
            - wait 3
            - narrate format:cchat "I sure do appreciate your help, if you want to help out some more please speak to Azreal in the dinning hall!"
            - wait 6
            - narrate format:cchat "Before you go!"
            - wait 1
            - narrate format:cchat "Here I don't need this anymore"
            - DISENGAGE
            - if <player.inventory.stacks> < 36 {
              - execute as_server 'loot give <> Ohtiss'
              - execute as_server 'npc sel 59'
              - execute as_server 'sentry guard'
              - execute as_server 'npc despawn'
              - flag player savedjathir2:true
              - zap s@jathir1 3
              else {
              - narrate format:cchat "Make some room in your pack and talk to me again!"
            else {
            - narrate format:cchat "Have you found Jathir?"
      Click Trigger:
          - narrate format:cchat "Thank you for saving Jathir!"

    type: assignment
        on assignment:
        - trigger name:proximity state:true
        - trigger name:chat state:true
    interact scripts:
    - 10 jathir1