Paste #15088: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/04/15 06:21:11 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: assignment

  default constants:
    # Number of crops needed for the quest
    FarmQty: 30
    # Money Reward Qty
    FarmingRewardQty: 600
    # Reward amount if player cheated by not obtaining the crops themselves..
    FarmCheatRewardQty: 300
    # The time in between each repeat of the quest (currently set at 24 hours)
    # Just replace the 'h' with 'm' for minutes, 's' for seconds etc.
    Farming Quest Repeat Timeout: 24h

  interact scripts:
 - 10 Obtaining crops

    on assignment:
   # These triggers enable interaction with an NPC via chatting, clicking and entering proximity.
    - trigger name:chat toggle:true
    - trigger name:click toggle:true
    - trigger name:proximity toggle:true

"Obtaining crops":
  type: interact

      proximity trigger:
         # On player entering NPC proximity range, run a script.
          # The default proximity range is set in Denizen\config.yml
          - ^run "Farmer Greeting Requirements"

      click trigger:
       # On clicking, run a slightly different script to check some requirements to see what dialog
        # the player should be presented with.
        - ^run "Farmer Quest Requirement Check"

      chat trigger:
        'Start Questline':
          Trigger: /Yes/, I<&sq>ll go and obtain some crops!
         # If the player answer 'yes', this will set the quest flag to started and also start 'listening' for the player
          # obtaining crops. Once the player obtained the number of crops specified in the constant (FarmQty) at the top of the script,
          # it will run the 'Finished farming' script.
          - flag <player> Farming:Started
          - ^listen item "id:Farming Listener" type:farm qty:<npc.constant[FarmQty]> "script:Farming Completion Reminder"
          - ^random {
            - chat "<yellow>Aww thank you, you<&sq>re so sweet! Please bring me <red><npc.constant[FarmQty]><yellow> crops."
            - chat "<yellow>Yay! Thank you <white><><yellow>! Please bring me <red><npc.constant[FarmQty]><yellow> crops."
            - chat "<yellow>Wonderful! Please bring me <red><npc.constant[FarmQty]><yellow> crops." }
          - narrate "<red> a Farmers need - Quest Started"
          - ^zap step:1
        'Deny Questline':
          Trigger: /No/, I don<&sq>t have time to farm. I<&sq>ve got monsters to slay!
         # If the player says 'no', then display one of the following 3 messages and put them back at Step 1 for
          # the 'Obtaining crops' script.
          - random {
            - chat "<yellow>Oh.. ok then. I really thought you could.. oh nevermind."
            - chat "<yellow>Oh that is grea.. oh wait, you said <&sq>No<&sq>. I<&sq>ll be ok, I think."
            - chat "<yellow>Nevermind me, who am I anyway? You<&sq>ve got more important things to worry about." }
          - random {
            - narrate "<white><><red> starts crying softly."
            - narrate "<red>Tears start rolling down <aqua><><&sq>s <red>face."
            - narrate "<red>You hear quiet whimpering as you walk away from <aqua><><red>." }
          - ^zap step:1

        'What Did You Say':
          trigger: /REGEX:\w+/
          # This is a catch-all trigger that will repeat what the player said if what they
          # typed didn't match any of the chat triggers above.
         - chat "<yellow>Sorry <white><><yellow>, but I don<&sq>t what <&sq><white><context.message><yellow><&sq> means."
          - ^narrate "<red>Say<&co>"
          - ^narrate "  <blue>Yes<blue> <gray>or<red> No"

      proximity trigger:
         # If they exit the proximity trigger for the NPC, put them back at Step 1 so they get presented with the
          # relevant options when they come back later.
          - ^zap step:1

      click trigger:
       # This is simply to present the options again if the player accidently clicks the NPC rather than type a response.
        - ^run "Farmer Quest Requirement Check"

"farmerman Greeting Requirements":
  type: task
  speed: 0

 # The following options exist here
  # 1) If the value against the flag 'Farm' is 'Started', then ask user how the farming is going.
  # 2) Else if the player has already done the quest and the timeout hasn't expired yet, simply chat something.
  # 3) Otherwise if no criteria is met, simply run the script called 'Farmer General Chat'.
  - if <player.flag[Farm]> == Started chat "<yellow>How is that farming going?"

    else if <player.flag[Farm]> == Claimed chat "<yellow>Thanks again for your help <yellow><><yellow>!"

    else {
      - random {
        - chat "<yellow>That thunderstorm really did some damage.."
        - chat "<yellow>These kinds of things always happen to me. Why me!"
        - chat "<yellow>I<&sq>ll never be able to feed my family."

"Farmer Quest Requirement Check":
  type: task

 # The following options exist here:
  # 1) If the 'FarmQuestCounter' is more or equal to the amount of crops the NPC wants AND the quest has in fact been started, then
  #  give the player their reward by running the 'Farming Reward' script.
  # 2) Else if the quest is started and the player has some crops in their inventory, run the 'Farm Counter' script.
  # 3) Else if the quest is started, but the player doesn't have at least one crop in their inventory then tell the player how much
  #  they have brought. It gets the value from the 'FarmQuestCounter' flag or if that doesn't exist, simply use the word 'no'.
  # 4) Else if the quest has been completed, tell them when to come back by using '.expiration' as part of the flag name. Displays like '20h 12m' for example.
  # 5) Else if the player has never done the quest OR the quest timeout has expired, then present them the farming quest.
  - ^if <player.flag[FarmQuestCounter]||0> >= <npc.constant[FarmQty]> && <player.flag[Farming]> == Started run "Farming Reward"
    else if <player.flag[Farming]> == Started && <player.inventory.contains[carrot]> run "Farm Counter"
    else if <player.flag[Farming]> == Started chat "<yellow>You<&sq>ve brought me <white><player.flag[farmQuestCounter].asint || no><yellow> farm so far and I need <white><player.flag[FarmCountLeft].asint || <npc.constant[FarmQty]>><yellow> more before I<&sq>m off to the market!"
    else if <player.flag[Farming]> == Claimed chat "<yellow>Thanks for your help <white><><yellow>, I<&sq>ve got enough crops for now. Please come back in <red><player.flag[farming].expiration.formatted><yellow> to help me again."
    else run "Present Farming Quest"

"Present Farmer Quest":
  type: task

 # This part presents the player with the quest, giving them some details via random dialog options
  # and then asks them to answer 'yes' or 'no' before 'zapping' to Step 2 in the script 'Obtaining crops'
  # where it's waiting for the player to type something.
  - ^random {
    - ^chat "<yellow>Hello there <white><><yellow>! Can you help me feed my family?"
    - ^chat "<yellow>Oh no! My crops burned! Please help me <white><><yellow>."
    - ^chat "<yellow>When I took up this job, I thought it was going to be relaxing. I just can<&sq>t keep up. Help me?" }
  - random {
    - ^chat "<yellow>I will pay you <gold><npc.constant[FarmingRewardQty]><yellow> <> if you obtain <gray><npc.constant[FarmQty]><yellow> carrots for me."
    - ^chat "<yellow>How does <gold><npc.constant[FarmingRewardQty]><yellow> <> for obtaining <gray><npc.constant[FarmQty]><yellow> carrots?"
  - ^narrate "<red>Say<&co>"
  - ^narrate "  <blue>Yes<blue> <gray>or<red> No"
  - ^zap step:2 "s@Obtaining crops"

"Farming Completion Reminder":
  type: task
  speed: 0

 # If the listener runs because the player obtained enough crops, tell them to return to the NPC and set a flag to prove they did infact
  # obtain all the crops themself. This flag is used later to determine how much the player should be rewarded.
  - ^narrate "<red>You should have obtained enough crops by now to complete the <white>Farming<red> Quest, that<&sq>s if you didn<&sq>t let any go. Return to <white><><red> for your reward."
  - ^flag <player> PlayerObtainedALLCrops

"Farm Counter":
  type: task

 # The reason I use a 'count' script is so that the player has freedom in how much crops they bring back in each instance. So
  # they can bring back 1 at a time, or 5 at a time. It doesn't require the player to have ALL the crops in their inventory for
  # the script to progress.
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Count how much farm the player has in their inventory and put that value inside a flag called 'FarmTempCount'
  - ^flag <player> FarmTempCount:<player.inventory.qty[carrot]>
  # Then check if 'FarmCountLeft' flag exists, if not create the flag and assign the 'FarmQty' constant value to the flag.
  - ^if <player.flag[FarmCountLeft]||0> == 0 flag <player> FarmCountLeft:<npc.constant[FarmQty]>
  # A quick IF statement then checks to see if the player has more crops in their inventory than what the NPC needs. If so, only take
  # however much is still needed. If they have less than what is needed, only take the quantity they have in their inventory.
  - ^if <player.inventory.qty[carrot]> >= <player.flag[FarmCountLeft]> take i@carrot qty:<player.flag[FarmCountLeft]>
   else take i@carrot qty:<player.flag[FarmTempCount]>
  # Then subtract the crops count for this particular trip from the total remaining crops the NPC wants.
  - ^flag <player> FarmCountLeft:-:<player.flag[FarmTempCount]>
  # This flag does the opposite by instead storing the total count of crops that has been returned to the NPC. This provides
  # flexibility in dialog by being able to say how much the player has brought back or how much they still need to bring back.
  - ^flag <player> FarmQuestCounter:+:<player.flag[FarmTempCount]>
  # Now clear the flag for this trip, preparing it for the next time the player could return for a few crops.
  - ^flag <player> FarmTempCount:!

  # If the player hasn't returned all the crops needed yet, tell them how much they've brought and how much they still need to bring.
  - ^if <player.flag[FarmQuestCounter]> < <npc.constant[FarmQty]> narrate "<red>You have brought <white><><red> a total of <gold><player.flag[FarmQuestCounter].asint><red> crops, with <gold><player.flag[FarmCountLeft].asint><red> remaining."
    else run "Farmer Quest Requirement Check"

"Farming Reward":
  type: task

 # The flag is set with a 'duration' of when it will expire and it determines when from the constant value called 'Farming Quest Repeat Timeout' set
  # at the top of this script.
  - ^flag <player> farming:Claimed "duration:<npc.constant[Farming Quest Repeat Timeout]>"
  - ^random {
     - ^chat "<yellow>You are a life saver <white><><yellow>! You should come back later to help me again, if you can of course."
     - ^chat "<yellow>I can<&sq>t believe it <white><><yellow>, I can feed my family again! Thank you!"
     - ^chat "<yellow>You<&sq>re my hero <white><><yellow>. Please come help me again later and I<&sq>ll reward you." }
  # This IF statement checks to see if the 'PlayerObtainedALLCrops' flag is true (so if the farming 'listener' ran when the player obtained their
  # farming quantity) and reward them the full amount. Otherwise, only reward them with the amount set in the 'FarmCheatRewardQty' constant value.
  - ^if <player.flag[PlayerObtainedAllCrops]> give money qty:<npc.constant[FarmingRewardQty]>
   else give money qty:<npc.constant[FarmCheatRewardQty]>
 # The same if statement to decide which narrate the player gets depending on the 'PlayerObtainedAllCrops' flag value.
  - ^if <player.flag[PlayerObtainedAllCrops]> narrate "<red>You are rewarded <gold><npc.constant[farmingRewardQty]><red> <> for bringing <white><><red> carrots you obtained yourself."
    else narrate "<red>You are only rewarded <gold><npc.constant[FarmCheatRewardQty]><red> <> for bringing <white><><red> old carrots you didn<&sq>t obtain during this quest."
  # Run the script to reset all the relevant flags.
  - ^run "Reset Farming Flags"
  - wait 2
  - narrate "<red> a Farmers need - Quest Completed"

"Reset Farming Flags":
  type: task

 # Clean-up all flags (except for 'Farming') and reset listener so quest is ready again when the 'Claimed' value on flag 'Farming' expires.
  - ^flag <player> PlayerObtainedAllCrops:!
  - ^flag <player> FarmQuestCounter:!
  - ^flag <player> FarmTempCount:!
  - ^flag <player> FarmCountLeft:!
  - ^listen cancel "id:Farming Listener"