Paste #15388: Edit of P#15384 - on damage

Date: 2015/05/01 13:37:56 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: assignment
        on assignment:
        - trigger name:proximity toggle:true radius:4 vulnerable:true

        on death by player:
        - drop item:cursedHeartNectar qty:1
        - drop XP qty:10 location:<npc.location>
        - chat "You... do not understand..."

        on damage:
        - flag player hasAttacked
        - chat "Testing on damage!"

        on enter proximity:
        - if !<player.flag[azTalked]> {
            - chat "Are you... the keybearer?"
            - flag player azTalked }
else {
        - if <player.flagged[hasAttacked] {
            - attack player }