Paste #1581: Writing Yaml from Chat Input

Date: 2014/01/31 19:26:00 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# A Script to create yaml files.
"Yaml Assign":
    type: assignment

    interact scripts:
    - 0 Writing Test

        full path: "G:/Vessel Craft Minecraft Server/Player Files/<>.yml"
        path: "scripts/User Scripts/<>/<>_script.yml"
        ext path: "Vessel Craft Minecraft Server/Player Files/<>.yml"
        id: "<>script"

        on assignment:
        - trigger name:click state:true
        - trigger name:chat state:true

"Writing Test":
    type: interact
        mode: none
            click Trigger:
                - narrate format:ScriptOptions "NEW SCRIPT, LOAD, KEY (your key), VALUE (your value), WRITE , SAVE, "
                - narrate format:ScriptOptions "VALUE TYPE (Toggle<&co> list, single), SPLIT LIST (Toggle<&co> true, false)"

            chat Trigger:
                "New Yaml":
                    trigger: "Lets create a /new script/."
                    - define id "<s@Yaml Assign.constant[]>"
                    - ^yaml create "id:<%id%>"
                    - ^narrate "Script Created. Ready to write to it."

                "Load Yaml":
                    trigger: "Lets create /load/ a premade script."
                    #Need to define and use the definition like this because of the args in the constant that need to be parsed first.
                    - define path "<s@Yaml Assign.constant[constants.path]>"
                    - define id "<s@Yaml Assign.constant[]>"

                    - ^yaml "load:<%path%>" "id:<%id%>"
                    - ^narrate "Script Loaded. Ready to write to it."

                "The Key Is":
                    trigger: "The key is /REGEX:key.+/."
                    - ^define key "<context.message.after[key ]>"
                    - ^narrate "KEY<&co> <def[key]>"
                    - ^flag player SK:<def[key]>

                "The Value Is":
                    trigger: "I want to add /REGEX:value.+/ to the list."
                    - ^define value "<context.message.after[value ]>"
                    #- narrate "definition<&co> <def[value]>"
                    #- narrate "raw value<&co> %value% "
                    #- narrate "context<&co> <context.message>"
                    - if <player.flag[SVT]> = single {
                        - ^flag player "SV:<%value%>"
                        - ^narrate "VALUE<&co> %value%"
                        } else {
                        - ^flag player "SV:->:<%value%>"
                        - ^narrate "VALUE<&co>-><&co> %value%"

                "Script Options Split List":
                    trigger: "Lets change how I write the data to the yaml. <blue>/Split List/."
                    - if <player.flag[SLT]> != true {
                        - flag player SLT:true
                        } else {
                        - flag player SLT:false
                    - ^chat "I changed the split list type to<&co> <red><player.flag[SLT]>"

                "Script Options Value Type":
                    trigger: "I want to change the <blue>/Value Type/."
                    - if <player.flag[SVT]> != single {
                        - flag player SVT:single
                        } else {
                        - flag player SVT:list
                    - ^chat "I changed the value type to<&co> <red><player.flag[SVT]>"

                "Write to File":
                    trigger: "/write/ to temp yml and clear my key value settings."
                    - define id "<s@Yaml Assign.constant[]>"

                    # Determine if the intended value is a single or list. Determines how its written to file.
                    - if <player.flag[SLT]> = true {
                        - yaml "write:<player.flag[SK]>" "value:<player.flag[SV].as_list>" split_list "id:<%id%>"
                        - narrate "splitting list up"
                        } else {
                        - yaml "write:<player.flag[SK]>" "value:<player.flag[SV]>" "<id:%id%>"
                    - ^narrate "Wrote<&co> KEY<&co> <player.flag[SK]> VALUE<&co> <player.flag[SV]>"
                    - ^flag player SV:!
                    - ^flag player SK:!

                "Save to Disk":
                    trigger: "/save/ to file."
                    #Need to define and use the definition like this because of the args in the constant that need to be parsed first.
                    - define path "<s@Yaml Assign.constant[constants.path]>"
                    - define id "<s@Yaml Assign.constant[]>"
                    - yaml "savefile:<%path%>" "id:<%id%>"
                    - narrate "Wrote file to<&co><&nl> <%path%>"