Paste #15818: Edit of P#15816 Bodyguard Salesman

Date: 2015/05/16 07:07:41 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
    debug: false
        on player join:
            - if <player.has_flag[bodyguard]> {
                - inject locally BodyguardRes
        - wait 1s
        - teleport <player.flag[BodyGuard]> location:<player.location>
        - flag <player.flag[BodyGuard]> "guarding:true"
        - ^execute as_server "npc sel <player.flag[BodyGuard].replace[n@]>"
        - ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"

    type: assignment
    debug: false
    default constants:
        BodyguardCost: 20
        BodyGuardRespawnCost: 2000
        BodyGuardInstant: 20000
    interact scripts:
    - 10 BgSalesMan

    type: interact
            click trigger:
                - if <player.has_flag[Bodyguard]> {
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> You already have a bodyguard, Come back if  he dies."
                    } else {
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Hello <> Welcome to my shop."
                    - wait 1
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> As of this moment i only have three types of bodyguard available."
                    - wait 1
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Would you like to hire a <green>normal<gold> bodyguard for $<npc.constant[BodyguardCost]>?"
                    - wait 1
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Or would you like one that <green>respawns<gold> for $<npc.constant[BodyGuardRespawnCost]> or one that respawns <green>instantly<gold> for $<npc.constant[BodyGuardInstant]>?"
            chat trigger:
                    trigger: <gold>I am interested in purchasing a /normal/ bodyguard.
                    - engage
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Alright that will be $<npc.constant[BodyguardCost]>."
                    - if <> < <npc.constant[BodyguardCost]> {
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> You do not have enough money, please come back when you have enough."
                        - disengage
                        } else {
                        - take money qty:<npc.constant[BodyguardCost]>
                        - flag player Bodyguard2
                        - create player BodyGuard <player.location> save:BodyGuard
                        - flag player Bodyguard:<entry[BodyGuard].created_npc>
                        - ^execute as_server "npc select <player.flag[BodyGuard].replace[n@]>"
                        - ^execute as_server "trait sentry"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_HELMET"
                        - ^equip <entry[BodyGuard].created_npc> hand:i@BodyguardSword
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_LEGGINGS"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_BOOTS"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry respawn -1"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry follow 5"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry speed 1.0"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry healrate 10"
                        - ^execute as_server "npc assignment --set BodyguardAssignment"
                        - ^execute as_server "npc owner <>"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"
                        - ^flag <player.flag[BodyGuard]> "guarding:true"
                        - ^execute as_server "npc sel <player.flag[BodyGuard].replace[n@]>"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"
                        - narrate "<red>You give <> $<npc.constant[BodyguardCost]>"
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> He is yours untill he dies, be safe out there."
                        - wait 1
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Right click on him to tell him to follow you or stand in that spot"
                        - disengage

                    trigger: <gold>I am interested in purchasing a bodyguard that /respawns/.
                    - engage
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Alright that will be $<npc.constant[BodyguardRespawnCost]>."
                    - if <> < <npc.constant[BodyguardRespawnCost]> {
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> You do not have enough money, please come back when you have enough."
                        - disengage
                        } else {
                        - take money qty:<npc.constant[BodyguardRespawnCost]>
                        - flag player Bodyguard3
                        - create player BodyGuard <player.location> save:BodyGuard
                        - flag player Bodyguard:<entry[BodyGuard].created_npc>
                        - ^execute as_server "npc select <player.flag[BodyGuard].replace[n@]>"
                        - ^execute as_server "trait sentry"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_HELMET"
                        - ^equip <entry[BodyGuard].created_npc> hand:i@BodyguardSword
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_LEGGINGS"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_BOOTS"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry respawn 300"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry follow 5"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry speed 1.0"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry healrate 10"
                        - ^execute as_server "npc assignment --set BodyguardAssignment"
                        - ^execute as_server "npc owner <>"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"
                        - flag <player.flag[BodyGuard]> "guarding:true"
                        - ^execute as_server "npc sel <player.flag[BodyGuard].replace[n@]>"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"
                        - narrate "<red>You give <> $<npc.constant[BodyguardRespawnCost]>"
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Your bodyguard will respawn after 5 minutes if it dies."
                        - wait 1
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Right click on him to tell him to follow you or stand in that spot"
                        - disengage

                    trigger: <gold>I am interested in purchasing a bodyguard that /instantly/ respawns.
                    - engage
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Alright that will be $<npc.constant[BodyGuardInstant]>."
                    - if <> < <npc.constant[BodyGuardInstant]> {
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> You do not have enough money, please come back when you have enough."
                        - disengage
                        } else {
                        - take money qty:<npc.constant[BodyGuardInstant]>
                        - flag player Bodyguard3
                        - create player BodyGuard <player.location> save:BodyGuard
                        - flag player Bodyguard:<entry[BodyGuard].created_npc>
                        - ^execute as_server "npc select <player.flag[BodyGuard].replace[n@]>"
                        - ^execute as_server "trait sentry"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry armor 2"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_HELMET"
                        - ^equip <entry[BodyGuard].created_npc> hand:i@BodyguardSword
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_LEGGINGS"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry equip DIAMOND_BOOTS"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry respawn 1"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry follow 5"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry speed 1.0"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry healrate 5"
                        - ^execute as_server "npc assignment --set BodyguardAssignment"
                        - ^execute as_server "npc owner <>"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"
                        - flag <player.flag[BodyGuard]> "guarding:true"
                        - ^execute as_server "npc sel <player.flag[BodyGuard].replace[n@]>"
                        - ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"
                        - narrate "<red>You give <> $<npc.constant[BodyGuardInstant]>"
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Your bodyguard will respawn right away if it dies."
                        - wait 1
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Right click on him to tell him to follow you or stand in that spot"
                        - disengage

                    trigger: <gold>/No/, I dont want a bodyguard right now
                    - engage
                    - random {
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Alright come back if you change your mind."
                        - narrate "<green><>:<gold> You know where to find me if you get yourself in over your head"
                    - disengage

    type: assignment
    debug: true
    interact scripts:
    - 10 BgInteractions
        on death:
        - if player.flag[Bodyguard1] {
            - narrate "<red> Your bodyguard has died!" targets:<npc.owner>
            - flag player Bodyguard:!
            - flag player Bodyguard1:!
            - flag npc guarding:!
            } elseif player.flag[Bodyguard2] {
            - narrate "<red> Your bodyguard has died!" targets:<npc.owner>
            - wait 300s
            - teleport npc location:<npc.owner.location>
            } else player.flag[Bodyguard3] {
            - narrate "<red> Your bodyguard has died!" targets:<npc.owner>
            - wait 1s
            - teleport npc location:<npc.owner.location>

    type: interact
            click trigger:
                - if <npc.owner> != <player> {
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Im sorry im not your bodyguard."
                    } else {
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> What would you like me to do?"
                    - wait 1
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> <red>Stand <gold>Guard, <red>Follow <gold>You?"
                    - ^zap step:2
            chat trigger:
                    trigger: <gold>/Follow/ me.
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> Alright i will follow you"
                    - ^execute as_npc "npc sel <>"
                    - ^execute as_npc "sentry guard <>"
                    - ^flag npc "guarding:true"
                    - zap step:1
                    trigger: <gold>/Stand/ here.
                    - narrate "<green><>:<gold> I will guard this spot, talk to me again if you wish for me to follow you again."
                    - ^execute as_npc "npc sel <>"
                    - ^execute as_npc "sentry guard"
                    - ^flag npc "Guarding:false"
                    - zap step:1

    type: item
    material: DIAMOND_SWORD
        - KNOCKBACK:2