Paste #16168: Edit of P#16167 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/06/02 06:16:29 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: format
    format: "<green>Bounty Officer<white>: <text>"

    type: world
        on entity death:
            - define killer <context.damager>
            - if <%killer%.entity_type> == PLAYER {
                - define type <context.entity.entity_type>
                - if %type% == pig {
                    - narrate format:bounty "You killed a pig and gained no xp!" targets:<context.damager>
                    - determine NO_XP li@item@rawporkchop
                - if <def[type].contains_any[chicken|cow|horse|wolf|sheep|ocelot|mooshroom_cow|squid|rabbit|bat|villager]> {
                    - narrate format:Bounty "You killed a <context.entity.entity_type.to_lowercase> and gained no xp!" targets:<context.damager>
                    - determine NO_XP
                - announce "<aqua><> killed a %type%" to_console
                #- if <context.entity.entity_type.contains_any[skeleton|creeper|zombie|enderman|silverfish|spider|witch]