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Date: 2015/06/04 04:04:04 UTC-07:00
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     type: format
     format: "<green>Bounty Officer<white>: <text>"
 Bounty Kill Mobs:
     type: world
     debug: false
         on entity death:
             - if <context.damager.entity_type||none> == PLAYER {
                 - define killer <context.damager>
                 - define type <context.entity.entity_type>
                 - define baby <[LESS].than[0]>
                 - define burning <[!=].to[0]>
                 - if %type% == PIG {
                     - determine passively NO_XP
                     - if %baby% {
                         - determine NO_DROPS
                     } else if %burning% {
                         - determine li@i@grilled_pork
                     } else {
                         - determine li@i@pork
                 } else if %type% == CHICKEN {
                     - determine passively NO_XP
                     - if %baby% {
                         - determine NO_DROPS
                     } else if %burning% {
                         - determine li@i@cooked_chicken
                     } else if <[1].to[10]> < 6 {
                         - determine li@i@raw_chicken|i@feather
                     } else {
                         - determine li@i@raw_chicken
                 } else if %type% == SHEEP {
                     - determine passively NO_XP
                     - if %baby% {
                         - determine NO_DROPS
                     else if %burning% {
                         - determine li@i@cooked_mutton
                     else if <[1].to[10]> < 7 {
                         - define colour <context.entity.color>
                         - if %colour% == silver define colour light_gray
                         - determine li@i@mutton|i@%colour%_wool
                     } else {
                         - determine li@i@mutton
                 } else if %type% == COW {
                     - determine passively NO_XP
                     - if %baby {
                         - determine NO_DROPS
                     } else if %burning% {
                         - determine li@i@cooked_beef
                     } else if <[1].to[10]> < 4 {
                         - determine li@i@leather|i@raw_beef
                     } else {
                         - determine li@i@raw_beef
                 } else if %type% == HORSE {
                     - determine NO_DROPS_OR_XP
                 } else if %type% == RABBIT {
                     - determine passively NO_XP
                     - if %baby% {
                         - determine NO_DROPS
                     } else if %burning% {
                         - determine li@i@cooked_rabbit
                     } else if <[1].to[10]> < 3 {
                         - determine li@i@rabbit|i@rabbit_foot
                     } else {
                         - determine li@i@rabbit
                 } else if %type% == MUSHROOM_COW {
                     - determine passively NO_DROPS_OR_XP
                     - define drops li@
                     - if <[1].to[10]> < 3 {
                         - define drops <%drops%.include[i@leather]>
                     - if <[1].to[100]> < 85 {
                         - define drops <%drops%.include[i@red_mushroom]>
                     - if <[1].to[100]> < 5 {
                         - define drops <%drops%.include[i@raw_beef]>
                     - if <%drops%.size> != 0
                         - determine %drops%
                 } else if %type% == SQUID {
                     - determine passively NO_XP
                     - determine li@i@ink_sack
                 } else if <def[type].contains_any[wolf|ocelot|bat|villager]> {
                     #- narrate format:Bounty "You killed a <context.entity.entity_type.to_lowercase> and gained no xp!" targets:%killer%
                     - determine NO_DROPS_OR_XP
                 } else if %type% == SPIDER || %type% == CAVE_SPIDER {
                     - determine passively 5
                     - define drops li@
                     - if <[1].to[100]> < 40 {
                         - define drops <%drops%.include[i@string]>
                     - if <[1].to[100]> < 80 {
                         - define drops <%drops%.include[i@spider_eye]>
                     - if <%drops%.size> != 0 {
                         - determine %drops%
                 } else if %type% == SKELETON {
                     - determine passively 5
                     - define drops li@i@bone
                     - if <[1].to[100]> < 5 {
                         - define drops <%drops%.include[i@bow[durability=<[195].to[300]>]]>
                     - determine %drops%
                 } else if %type% == CREEPER {
                     - determine passively NO_DROPS
                     - determine passively 5
                     - if <[1].to[100]> < 65 {
                         - determine li@i@sulphur
                 } else if %type% == ZOMBIE {
                     - determine passively 5
                     - determine li@i@rotten_flesh
                 } else if %type% == PIG_ZOMBIE {
                     - determine passively 7
                     - define drops li@i@rotten_flesh
                     - if <[1].to[10]> < 2 {
                         - define drops <%drops%.include[i@gold_nugget]>
                     - determine %drops%
                 } else if %type% == ENDERMAN {
                     - determine passively NO_DROPS
                     - determine passively 8
                     - if <[1].to[10]> < 4 {
                         - determine li@i@ender_pearl
                 } else if %type% == SILVERFISH {
                     - determine passively 5
                     - determine NO_DROPS
                 } else if %type% == WITCH {
                     - determine 5
                     - random {
                         - determine li@i@stick|i@stick
                         - determine li@i@stick|i@stick
                         - determine li@i@stick|i@stick
                         - determine li@i@sugar|i@sugar
                         - determine li@i@spider_eye|i@stick
                 #- announce "<aqua><> <white>killed a <yellow>%type%" to_console
             } else {
                 - determine NO_DROPS_OR_XP
 Bounty Command:
     type: command
     debug: false
     name: bounty
     usage: /bounty [player] [amount]
     description: Allows you to check and place bounty on a player.
     allowed help:
         - determine <player.flag[verified]||<context.server>>
     tab complete:
         - if <player.has_flag[verified]||<context.server>> determine <server.list_online_players.parse[name].filter[starts_with[<context.args.first>]]>
         - if <context.args.size> == 0 || <context.args.size> > 2 {
             - narrate format:ServerChat "Invalid number of arguments. <&nl>     Correct command syntax: <white>/bounty [player] [amount]"
             #- narrate format:ServerChat "Correct command syntax: <white>/bounty [player] [amount]"
         else if <context.args.size> == 1 {
             - define selPlayer <server.match_player[<context.args.get[1]>]||none>
             - if %selPlayer% != none {
                 - define amount <%selPlayer%.flag[bounty]||0>
                 - narrate format:ServerChat "<Yellow><> <blue>has <white>$%amount% <blue>bounty on them"
                 - log "<||Console> checked the bounty of <>. Bounty: $<%selPlayer%.as_player.flag[bounty]||0>" file:plugins/Denizen/logs/bounty.log
             else {
                 - narrate format:ServerChat "No player found by that name!"
         else if <context.args.size> == 2 {
             - define selPlayer <server.match_player[<context.args.get[1]>]||none>
             - if %selPlayer% != none {
                 - define amount <context.args.get[2].as_int||none>
                 - if %amount% != none && %amount% > 0 {
                     - if <context.server> || <> >= %amount% {
                         - flag <%selPlayer%.as_player> bounty:<t[<%selPlayer%.has_flag[bounty]>]:<%selPlayer%.flag[bounty].add[%amount%]>||%amount%>
                         - if !<context.server> {
                             - take money qty:<def[amount]>
                         - narrate format:ServerChat "You added <white>$%amount% <blue>bounty to <yellow><><&nl>                   <blue>Total bounty: <white>$<%selPlayer%.as_player.flag[bounty]>" targets:<player>
                         - narrate format:ServerChat "<yellow><||Console> <blue>placed a bounty on <yellow><><&nl>                   <blue>They now have a total bounty of: <white>$<%selPlayer%.as_player.flag[bounty]>" targets:<server.list_online_players.exclude[<player||none>|<%selPlayer%.as_player>]>
                         - narrate format:ServerChat "<yellow><> <blue>placed a bounty on you for <white>$%amount%<&nl>                   <blue>You now have <white>$%amount% <blue>in bounty on your head!"
                         - log "<||Console> added $%amount% bounty to <>. Total bounty: <%selPlayer%.as_player.flag[bounty]>" file:plugins/Denizen/logs/bounty.log
                     else {
                         - narrate format:ServerChat "You do not have enough money!" targets:<player>
                         - log "<> attempted to add $%amount% bounty to <> but did not have enough funds." file:plugins/Denizen/logs/bounty.log
                 else {
                     - narrate format:ServerChat "Invalid amount. Enter a whole, positive number. <&nl>                   e.g. 500"
             else {
                 - narrate format:ServerChat "No player found by that name!"
 Bounty Reward:
     type: world
         on player kills player:
             - define killed <context.entity>
-            - if <>%killed%.has_flag[bounty]> {
+            - if <%killed%.has_flag[bounty]> {
                 - define bounty <%killed.flag[bounty]>
                 - give money qty:%bounty%
                 - flag <%killed%.as_player> bounty:!
                 - narrate format:ServerChat "<yellow><> <blue>killed <yellow><> <blue>and retrieved <white>$%bounty% <blue>in bounty!" targets:<server.list_online_players.exclude[<player>|<%killed%.as_player>]>
                 - narrate format:ServerChat "You killed <yellow><> and gained <white>$%amount% from their bounty!" targets:<player>
                 - narrate format:ServerChat "<yellow><> <blue>killed you and collected your bounty!" targets:<%killed%.as_player>
             else {
                 - narrate format:ServerChat "You have been killed by <yellow><><&nl>                   <blue>You can place a bounty on them using <white>/bounty"