Chocolate: type: item material: i@nether_brick_item display name: Chocolate Bar recipe: - i@sugar|i@sugar|i@sugar - i@cocoa_beans|i@cocoa_beans|i@cocoa_beans - i@sugar|i@sugar|i@sugar lore: - Gives you a sugar rush! - Allows you to run fast, break blocks fast!! - But then you crash and slow down a lot too... Eat Chocolate: type: world events: on player right clicks with Chocolate: - if ! { - ^take iteminhand #- narrate "You ate a Chocolate Bar and gained a sugar rush!" targets: - adjust 'food_level:' - cast SPEED d:10 power:2 - cast FAST_DIGGING d:10s - cast JUMP d:5s - wait 10s #- narrate "You crash from your sugar rush and slow down!" - cast SLOW d:4s - cast SLOW_DIGGING d:4s - flag player Chocolate d:14s } else { - narrate "You can't eat more chocolate yet!" targets: }