Paste #16304: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/06/05 09:33:05 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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Stables Player Logging:
    type: world
    debug: false
        on player join:
            - if <player.has_flag[horse]> {
                - ^execute as_server "npc spawn <player.flag[horse].replace[n@]>" silent
                - log "<>'s horse was spawned with id <player.flag[horse].replace[n@]>" file:plugins/Denizen/logs/stablemaster.log
                #- ^execute as_server "npc sel <player.flag[horse].replace[n@]>"
                #- teleport <player.flag[horse].as_npc> <player.location>
            else {
                - log "<> Joined the server without a horse." file:plugins/Denizen/logs/stablemaster.log
        on player quits:
            - if <player.has_flag[horse]> {
                - log "<>'s horse was despawned on log off with id <player.flag[horse].replace[n@]>." file:plugins/Denizen/logs/stablemaster.log
                - if <player.flag[horse].as_entity.is_leashed> && <player.flag[horse].as_entity.get_leash_holder> != <player> {
                    - give leash qty:1
                    - log "Gave <> a leash as their horse was leashed when they left." file:plugins/Denizen/logs/stablemaster.log
                    - ^execute as_server "npc despawn <player.flag[horse]>" silent

Stable Master:
    type: assignment
    debug: false
    default constants:
        HorseCost: 500
        on assignment:
        - trigger name:click state:true
        - trigger name:chat state:true
    interact scripts:
    - 10 Stable Master Interact

Stable Master Interact:
    type: interact
    debug: true
            click trigger:
                - if <player.has_flag[horse]> {
                    - narrate format:npcchat "You already have a horse, Come buy another if it dies." targets:<player>
                    - disengage
                else {
                    - narrate format:npcchat "Hello <>." targets:<player>
                    - wait 0.5
                    - narrate format:npcchat "Would you like to buy a horse for $500?" targets:<player>
                    - wait 0.2
                    - narrate "Say <blue>Yes <white>or <blue>No<white>." targets:<player>
            chat trigger:
                    trigger: /Yes/, I'll take a horse.
                        - if <> < <npc.constant[HorseCost]> {
                            - narrate format:npcchat "You don't have enough money to buy a horse." targets:<player>
                        else {
                            - take money qty:<npc.constant[HorseCost]>
                            - create horse myhorse <player.location> save:horse
                            - define horse <entry[horse].created_npc>
                            - ^flag player horse:<entry[horse].created_npc>
                            - rename <><&sq>s Horse' npc:%horse%
                            - adjust %horse% owner:<player>
                            - vulnerable state:true
                            - assignment set script:TheHorse npc:%horse%
                            - ^execute as_server "npc controllable" silent
                            - give i@leash
                            - define colours li@black|brown|chestnut|creamy|dark_brown|gray|white
                            - define styles li@white|white_dots|white_field|black_dots|none
                            - adjust %horse% color:<def[colours].random>|<def[styles].random>|horse
                            - wait 0.25
                            - inventory set o:saddle d:<entry[horse].inventory> slot:1 
                            - ^execute as_server "citizens save" silent
                            - narrate format:npcchat "Enjoy your riding, I also gave you a leash to tie it up." targets:<player>
                        - log "<> bought a horse @ <>" file:plugins/Denizen/logs/stablemaster.log
                        - disengage
                    trigger: /No/, I don't need a horse right now.
                        - random {
                            - narrate format:npcchat "Ok, come again soon!" targets:<player>
                            - narrate format:npcchat "No problem, you're welcome back any time!" targets:<player>
                        - disengage

    type: assignment
    debug: true
        on assignment:
            - trait state:true health
        on death:
            - flag <npc.owner> horse:!
            - if <npc.inventory.slot[2]> != air {
                - drop <npc.inventory.slot[2]> <npc.location>
            - log "<>'s horse died." file:plugins/Denizen/logs/stablemaster.log
            - wait 1t
            - narrate format:ServerChat "Unfortunately, your horse has <blue>perished<white>. <&nl>     <blue>Fortunately, you can now buy <blue>another<white>!" targets:<npc.owner>
            #- narrate format:ServerChat "Fortunately, you can now buy <blue>another<white>!" targets:<npc.owner>
            - remove <npc>

            - if <npc.owner> != <context.killer> && <context.killer.entity_type||none> == PLAYER {
                - ^flag <context.killer> bounty:<t[<context.killer.as_player.has_flag[bounty]>]:<context.killer.as_player.flag[bounty].add[250]>||250>
                - wait 1t
                - announce format:ServerChat "<> killed another player's horse and gained <white>$250 <blue>bounty. Total bounty: <white>$<context.killer.as_player.flag[bounty]>" to_server

    type: command
    debug: false
    name: callhorse
    description: Calls your horse to you!
    usage: /callhorse
    allowed help:
        - determine <context.server.not>
        - if <player.has_flag[horse]> && <player.flag[horse].as_entity.is_leashed> {
            - narrate format:ServerChat "Your horse is leashed and cannot be called!"
            - log "<> tried to call a leashed horse!" file:plugins/Denizen/logs/stablemaster.log
        else if <player.has_flag[horse]> {
            - narrate format:ServerChat "Your horse has been teleported to your location!"
            - teleport <player.flag[horse].as_npc> <player.location>
            - log "<> called their horse." file:plugins/Denizen/logs/stablemaster.log
        else {
            - narrate format:ServerChat "You do not have a horse!" targets:<player>
            - log "<> attempted to call their horse but they do not have one." file:plugins/Denizen/logs/stablemaster.log

Armor and Leash:
    type: world
    debug: true
        on player enters vehicle:
            - if <player.has_flag[horse]> {
                - if <context.vehicle> == <player.flag[horse]> {
                    - if <player.is_sneaking> && <context.vehicle.inventory.slot[2]> != air {
                        - give <context.vehicle.inventory.slot[2]>
                        - inventory clear d:<context.vehicle.inventory>
                        - inventory set o:saddle d:<player.flag[horse].as_npc.inventory> slot:1
                        - ^determine CANCELLED
                    else if <[barding]> {
                        - inventory set o:<> d:<context.vehicle.as_npc.inventory> slot:2
                        - take iteminhand
                        - ^determine CANCELLED
                    else if <context.vehicle.is_leashed> || <> == leash {
                        - ^determine CANCELLED