Paste #16464: Denizen Debug Logs From

Date: 2015/06/14 02:14:37 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.7.0_79
Up-time: 10h 55m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-44c59bf-8f0f4ed (MC: 1.8.7)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.10 (Build Unknown), CraftBukkit: 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT (build 242)
Active Plugins (41): GroupManager: 2.1.31 (Phoenix), WorldEdit: 6.1.1-SNAPSHOT;3382-b4d57427, Carz: 5.0, 
Vault: 1.5.3-b37, LogBlock: 1.94-dev-SNAPSHOT (build #256), LWC: 4.5.7, WorldGuard: 6.1.1-SNAPSHOT.1609-2d28e8d, 
dynmap: 2.2-SNAPSHOT-1106, KeepItems: 1.2, Announcer: 1.5, BookShelf: 3.8, 
CrackShot: 0.97.18, bSpace: v2.3.2-dev, ChestShop: 3.8.7, ProtocolLib: 3.6.3-SNAPSHOT-b134, 
Votifier: 1.9, PlotMe-DefaultGenerator: 0.15.1-SNAPSHOT, GAListener: 1.3.1, 
ForcedGrammar: 1.8.4, Essentials: TeamCity, Citizens: 2.0.16-SNAPSHOT (build 1244), 
ChessCraft: 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT, EssentialsSpawn: TeamCity, Multiverse-Core: 2.5-b692, 
dtlTraders: 3.2.0-snapshot, CasinoSlots: 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT-b17, MagicSpells: 3.4.4-dev-1506071504, 
Denizen: 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT (build 242), Sentry: 1.8.5, CraftBook: 3.9-SNAPSHOT, 
EssentialsChat: TeamCity, MobArena: 0.96.9, Blacksmith: 1.1, Depenizen: 0.2.1 (build 251), 
Multiverse-Portals: 2.5-bUNKNOWN, Multiverse-Inventories: 2.5-b357, PlotMe: 0.15.1-SNAPSHOT, 
BattleArena:, ArenaPaintball: 1.2.1, ArenaSpleef: 1.5.1, ArenaCTF: 1.3.2,
Loaded Worlds (7): Tatooine, Tatooine_the_end, Tatooine_nether, Endor, Coruscant, Hoth, Space
Online Players (4): Fierce_Tyger_Warrior(FierceTyger), XObiHydraX(hydra135), 
ooneez(ooneez), Dooku(luigi_vampa)
Offline Players: 3645
Mode: online

10:16:09 [INFO] +- Getting interact script: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:09 [INFO]  OKAY! '10 WAMPA GREETING' meets requirements. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  
10:16:09 [INFO]  OKAY! Highest scoring script is WAMPA GREETING. 
10:16:09 [INFO] +> [InteractScri...] Current step for this script is: 1 
10:16:09 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
10:16:09 [INFO] +- Parsing DAMAGE trigger: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'WAMPA GREETING_SponsorsDeficitCould'... 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Queue 'WAMPA GREETING_SponsorsDeficitCould' Executing: CHAT 
10:16:09 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHAT/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHAT': talkers='li@n@83'  
                   message='AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'  range='5.0' 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:09 [INFO]  Completing queue 'WAMPA GREETING_SponsorsDeficitCould' in 
10:16:10 [INFO] +- Getting interact script: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:10 [INFO]  OKAY! '10 WAMPA GREETING' meets requirements. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  
10:16:10 [INFO]  OKAY! Highest scoring script is WAMPA GREETING. 
10:16:10 [INFO] +> [InteractScri...] Current step for this script is: 1 
10:16:10 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
10:16:10 [INFO] +- Parsing DAMAGE trigger: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'WAMPA GREETING_SilentDetermineAvatar'... 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Queue 'WAMPA GREETING_SilentDetermineAvatar' Executing: CHAT 
10:16:10 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHAT/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:10 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHAT': talkers='li@n@83'  
                   message='AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'  range='5.0' 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:10 [INFO]  Completing queue 'WAMPA GREETING_SilentDetermineAvatar' in 
10:16:11 [INFO] +- Getting interact script: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:11 [INFO]  OKAY! '10 WAMPA GREETING' meets requirements. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  
10:16:11 [INFO]  OKAY! Highest scoring script is WAMPA GREETING. 
10:16:11 [INFO] +> [InteractScri...] Current step for this script is: 1 
10:16:11 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
10:16:11 [INFO] +- Parsing DAMAGE trigger: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'WAMPA GREETING_CitizensGaryEscape'... 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Queue 'WAMPA GREETING_CitizensGaryEscape' Executing: CHAT 
10:16:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHAT/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHAT': talkers='li@n@83'  
                   message='AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'  range='5.0' 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:11 [INFO]  Completing queue 'WAMPA GREETING_CitizensGaryEscape' in 3ms. 
10:16:12 [INFO] +- Getting interact script: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:12 [INFO]  OKAY! '10 WAMPA GREETING' meets requirements. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  
10:16:12 [INFO]  OKAY! Highest scoring script is WAMPA GREETING. 
10:16:12 [INFO] +> [InteractScri...] Current step for this script is: 1 
10:16:12 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
10:16:12 [INFO] +- Parsing DAMAGE trigger: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'WAMPA 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Queue 'WAMPA GREETING_HappenPromotionsExamined' Executing: 
                   CHAT "AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!" 
10:16:12 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHAT/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHAT': talkers='li@n@83'  
                   message='AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'  range='5.0' 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Completing queue 'WAMPA GREETING_HappenPromotionsExamined' in 
10:16:12 [INFO] +- Getting interact script: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:12 [INFO]  OKAY! '10 WAMPA GREETING' meets requirements. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  
10:16:12 [INFO]  OKAY! Highest scoring script is WAMPA GREETING. 
10:16:12 [INFO] +> [InteractScri...] Current step for this script is: 1 
10:16:12 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
10:16:12 [INFO] +- Parsing DAMAGE trigger: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'WAMPA GREETING_PumpTieProportion'... 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Queue 'WAMPA GREETING_PumpTieProportion' Executing: CHAT 
10:16:12 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHAT/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHAT': talkers='li@n@83'  
                   message='AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'  range='5.0' 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:12 [INFO]  Completing queue 'WAMPA GREETING_PumpTieProportion' in 3ms. 
10:16:13 [INFO] +- Getting interact script: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:13 [INFO]  OKAY! '10 WAMPA GREETING' meets requirements. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  
10:16:13 [INFO]  OKAY! Highest scoring script is WAMPA GREETING. 
10:16:13 [INFO] +> [InteractScri...] Current step for this script is: 1 
10:16:13 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
10:16:13 [INFO] +- Parsing DAMAGE trigger: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'WAMPA 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Queue 'WAMPA GREETING_SurprisedInsulationProperty' Executing: 
                   CHAT "AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!" 
10:16:13 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHAT/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:13 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHAT': talkers='li@n@83'  
                   message='AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'  range='5.0' 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:13 [INFO]  Completing queue 'WAMPA GREETING_SurprisedInsulationProperty' 
                   in 3ms. 
10:16:14 [INFO] +- Getting interact script: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:14 [INFO]  OKAY! '10 WAMPA GREETING' meets requirements. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  
10:16:14 [INFO]  OKAY! Highest scoring script is WAMPA GREETING. 
10:16:14 [INFO] +> [InteractScri...] Current step for this script is: 1 
10:16:14 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
10:16:14 [INFO] +- Parsing DAMAGE trigger: n@Wampa/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'WAMPA GREETING_MossAttachedGenerally'... 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Queue 'WAMPA GREETING_MossAttachedGenerally' Executing: CHAT 
10:16:14 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHAT/p@luigi_vampa ---------+ 
10:16:14 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHAT': talkers='li@n@83'  
                   message='AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'  range='5.0' 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'Wampa'. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with 'AAARRRRRGRGGRRH!'. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Completing queue 'WAMPA GREETING_MossAttachedGenerally' in 
10:16:14 [INFO] +- Parsing NPCDeath/Killers Trigger ---------+ 
10:16:14 [INFO] +- Parsing NPCDeath/Owner Trigger. ---------+ 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Running script event 'EntityDies', event='NPC DEATH' for 
                   script 'WORLD MANAGER' 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Context 'cause' = 'ENTITY_ATTACK' 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Context 'damager' = 'p@06285d45-96c6-4fbc-ae6d-ee516315e7b8' 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Context 'inventory' = 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Context 'entity' = 'n@83' 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Context 'drops' = 'li@' 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Context 'cancelled' = 'false' 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'WORLD 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Queue 'WORLD MANAGER_DispatchedAlaskaGalaxy' Executing: IF 
                   "<>" "==" "83" "{" "-" "narrate" "You killed 
                   the wampa" "-" "if" "<context.damager.as_player.flag[Rebel]>" 
                   "==" "RebelWampaHunt" "{" "-" "narrate" 
                   "[<dark_green>Radio<white>]<&co> Great work. That solves one 
                   of our problems." "-" "wait" "2" "-" "narrate" 
                   "[<dark_green>Radio<white>]<&co> We're going to need to 
                   evacuate the base." "-" "wait" "1" "-" "narrate"... * snip! * 
10:16:14 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF ---------+ 
10:16:14 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes '[id]' for tag <>! 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'null'. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  ERROR! Tag <> is invalid! 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(null)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='Element(83)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes '[id]' for tag <>! 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'null'. 
10:16:14 [INFO]  ERROR! Tag <> is invalid! 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(null)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='Element(339)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
10:16:14 [INFO]  Completing queue 'WORLD MANAGER_DispatchedAlaskaGalaxy' in 