Paste #17279: Diff note for paste #17278

Date: 2015/07/02 02:38:30 UTC-07:00
Type: Diff Report

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-#  type: world
-#  debug: false
-#  default constants:
-#    - guardianSpawnChance: 6
-#  events:
-#    on squid spawns:
-#    - define randomSelection <[1].to[10]>
-#    - if <def[randomSelection]> >= <script.constant[guardianSpawnChance]> {
-#      - spawn guardian <context.location>
-#      - determine CANCELLED
-#      }
   type: world
     on player clicks wood_door with tripwire_hook:
     - if <context.item.has_lore> {
       - narrate "This key cannot be crafted into another lock."
       - determine CANCELLED
       - queue clear
     - if <[==].to[i@wood_door]> {
       - if <[==].to[<global.flag[locked_Doors]>]> {
         - narrate "This door is already locked."
         - queue clear
     } else if <[==].to[<global.flag[locked_Doors]>]> {
       - narrate "This door is already locked."
       - queue clear
     - define w <>
     - define y <context.location.block.y.as_int>
     - define x <context.location.block.x.as_int>
     - define z <context.location.block.z.as_int>
     - flag global locked_Doors.incrementer:++
     - flag global locked_Doors.<def[w]>.<def[y]>.<def[x]>.<def[z]>:<global.flag[locked_doors.incrementer]> 
     - take iteminhand
     - drop <player.location> tripwire_hook[lore=<global.flag[locked_Doors.incrementer]>]
-  type: command
-  name: anchoradmin
-  usage: /anchoradmin
-  description: Used to anchor your movecraft ships.
-  script:
-  - if <[==].to[air]> {
-    - modifyblock <player.location.block> m@lapis_block
-    - flag <player> anchor:->:<player.location.block>
-    - narrate "Your anchor has been saved."
-  } else {
-    - narrate "Anchor deployment location obstructed."
-  }
-  type: command
-  name: anchor
-  usage: /anchor
-  description: Used to anchor your movecraft ships.
-  script:
-  - if <[==].to[air]> {
-    - if <player.inventory.contains_any[i@lapis_block]> {
-      - take i@lapis_block 1
-      - modifyblock <player.location.block> m@lapis_block
-      - flag <player> anchor:->:<player.location.block>
-      - narrate "Your anchor has been saved."
-    } else {
-      - narrate "You don't have an anchor with you."
-      - queue clear
-    }
-  } else {
-    - narrate "Anchor deployment location obstructed."
-  }
-  type: world
-  events:
-    on player right clicks lapis_block:
-      - if <player.flag[anchor].contains_any[<context.location.block>]> {
-        - modifyblock <context.location.block> m@air
-        - flag player anchor:<-:<context.location.block>
-        - drop i@lapis_block <context.location.block> qty:1
-        - narrate "You have pulled your anchor."
-      }
-  type: world
-  debug: false
-  events:
-    on item crafted:
-    - define unCraftables li@i@golden_apple|i@ender_chest|i@beacon|i@enchantment_table
-    - if <context.item.contains_any[<def[unCraftables]>]> {
-      - determine CANCELLED
-    }
-  type: task
-  script:
-  - define chestLocation l@<[-15000].to[15000]>,<[6].to[28]>,<[-15000].to[15000]>,DeepOceans
-  - define chestContents li@i@diamond[quantity=<[1].to[32]>]|i@dirt[quantity=<[1].to[64]>]
-  - define chestContents <def[chestContents].include[li@i@gold_ingot[quantity=<[1].to[56]>]|i@diamond_sword[enchantments=DAMAGE_ALL,2|DURABILITY,2;display_name=Sharp_Sword]]>
-  - define chestContents <def[chestContents].include[li@i@diamond_chestplate|i@diamond_leggings|i@diamond_boots|i@dirt|i@stone|i@stone|i@stone|i@diamondsword]>
-  - modifyblock <def[chestLocation]> chest
-  - execute as_server "mail sendall Treasure has been found near <def[chestLocation].simple.formatted>."
-  - announce "Treasure has been found near <def[chestLocation].simple.formatted>."
-  - foreach <def[chestContents]> {
-    - if <[1].to[10]> > 3 {
-      - give <def[value]> to:in@location[holder=<def[chestlocation]>]
-    }  
-  }
-  type: command
-  name: treasure
-  permission: denizen.deploytreasure
-  script:
-  - inject TreasureTask
-  type: world
-  events:
-    on portal created:
-    - determine CANCELLED
-    - define randomPlayerSelection <server.list_online_players.random>
-    - announce "<def[randomPlayerSelection]>"
-  type: command
-  name: ecc
-  permission: denizen.ecc
-  script:
-  - flag <player> ecc
-  - narrate "CC enabled"
-  type: command
-  name: dcc
-  permission: denizen.dcc
-  script:
-  - flag <player> ecc:!
-  - narrate "CC disabled"
-  type: world
-  events:
-    on player chats:
-    - if !<player.has_flag[ecc]> {
-      - queue clear
-      } else {
-      - announce "<green>[Attention] <context.message>"
-      - determine CANCELLED
-      }