Paste #17281: Diff note for paste #17280

Date: 2015/07/02 02:46:57 UTC-07:00
Type: Diff Report

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   type: world
     on player clicks wood_door with tripwire_hook:
     - if <context.item.has_lore> {
       - narrate "This key cannot be crafted into another lock."
-      - determine CANCELLED
       - queue clear
-    - if <[==].to[i@wood_door]> {
+    - if <[==].to[m@wood_door]> {
       - if <[==].to[<global.flag[locked_Doors]>]> {
         - narrate "This door is already locked."
         - queue clear
     } else if <[==].to[<global.flag[locked_Doors]>]> {
       - narrate "This door is already locked."
       - queue clear
     - define w <>
     - define y <context.location.block.y.as_int>
     - define x <context.location.block.x.as_int>
     - define z <context.location.block.z.as_int>
     - flag global locked_Doors.incrementer:++
     - flag global locked_Doors.<def[w]>.<def[y]>.<def[x]>.<def[z]>:<global.flag[locked_doors.incrementer]> 
     - take iteminhand
     - drop <player.location> tripwire_hook[lore=<global.flag[locked_Doors.incrementer]>]