WelcomeTickets: type: assignment actions: on assignment: - trigger name:Proximity state:true radius:5 - trigger name:Chat state:true radius:10 interact scripts: - 10 welcometickets_explaination welcometickets_explaination: type: interact debug: false steps: 1: Proximity Trigger: entry: script: - ^engage - random { - narrate format:chat "Hello, ." - narrate format:chat "Hi, ." } - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "I am here to help you get help later on." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "If you are being treated wrongly or have a concern about any element of gameplay, you may report it by creating a ticket." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "Do so with<&c><&n> /report (your problem)<&a><&o>." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "Keep in mind that these requests go directly to the Cruthadaire, and abusing the ticket system will result in punishment." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "You can go to<&e> yeticraft.net/en/help/guides/tickets/ <&o><&a>to see all of the commands." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "Are you ready to go to the next tutorial?" - wait 1s - narrate "<&e>[<&f>Type <&b><&o>Yes<&f> or <&b><&o>No<&e>]" - ^zap 2 - ^disengage 2: Chat Trigger: 1: trigger: /yes/, I would like to move on to the next tutorial. script: - ^engage - narrate format:chat "Good!" - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "I'll send you to the next tutorial person..." - wait 1 - teleport 83,82,55,26,-114,Welcome - flag player welcometutorial_tickets - execute as_server "moneyadmin add 10 " - ^disengage 2: trigger: /no/, I am confused. script: - ^engage - narrate format:chat "Hmm. I can say everything over again, or you can visit the website to see examples?" - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "Try going to <&e>YetiCraft.net/en/help/guides/tickets" - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "Are you ready to go on?" - wait 1s - narrate "<&e>[<&f>Type <&b><&o>Yes<&f>, <&b><&o>No<&f> or <&b><&o>Repeat<&e>]" - playsound sound:GHAST_SCREAM volume:200 - ^disengage 3: trigger: Could you /repeat/ that? script: - ^engage - narrate format:chat "Sure can." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "I am here to help you get help later on." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "If you are being treated wrongly or have a concern about any element of gameplay, you may report it by creating a ticket." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "Do so with<&c><&n> /report (your problem)<&a><&o>." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "Keep in mind that these requests go directly to the Cruthadaire, and abusing the ticket system will result in punishment." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "You can go to<&e> yeticraft.net/en/help/guides/tickets/ <&o><&a>to see all of the commands." - wait 1s - narrate format:chat "Are you ready to go to the next tutorial?" - wait 1s - narrate "<&e>[<&f>Type <&b><&o>Yes<&f> or <&b><&o>No<&e>]" - ^disengage