Paste #21524: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/10/25 05:36:04 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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Backpack Cmd:
  type: command
  debug: false
  name: bp
  permission: command.backpack
  permission message: <&c>Upgrade to <&a>Premium <&c>for this feature!
    - backpack
    - pack
  usage: /bp
  description: Open your backpack!
    - if <context.server> {
      - narrate "<&c>This is a player only command!"
      - queue clear
    - if <player.has_permission[backpack.admin]> && <context.args.size> == 1 {
      - define Owner "<server.match_offline_player[<context.args.get[1]>]||null>"
      - if <def[Owner]> == null {
        - narrate "<&c>Cannot find that player!"
        - queue clear
      - define Backpack "<proc[Find Backpack].context[<def[Owner]>]>"
      - if <def[Backpack]> == null {
        - narrate "<&c>This player does not own a backpack."
        - queue clear
    else {
      - define Backpack "<proc[Find Backpack].context[<player>]>"

    - inventory open d:<def[Backpack]>