Paste #22251: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/11/04 19:43:43 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: assignment

      on assignment:
      - trigger name:click toggle:true
      - trigger name:chat state:true

    interact scripts:
        - 30 test
        - 1 Hello Sal
        - 3 SAL-1-1
        - 3 SAL-2-1
        - 3 SAL-2-BACK
        - 3 SAL-2-2-NODAVE
        - 3 SAL-2-2-YESDAVE

    type: interact


            click trigger:
                # Wenn der Spieler Klickt
                - if <player.inventory.contains[red_tulip]> run "SCRIPT:test3"
                  else run "SCRIPT:nein2

            chat trigger:
                    trigger: '<gold>/ja/ kannst du '
                    - chat "Dann werde ich mich gleich mal Anmelden gehen <3"

                    trigger: '<gold>/nein/  '
                    - chat "Arschloch"

        Type: task
        - chat "<gray>OHHH TANNEN BAUM   OHH TANNEN BAUM ..... ich denke ich kann bei DSDS mit machen oder?"             
        - NARRATE "Tippe in den Chat: <aqua>ja<white> |<aqua> nein"              

        Type: task
        - if <player.in_group[default]> {
          - run geht2
          else {
          - run nein

        Type: task
        - chat "Ohh du hast mir was schönes Mitgebracht das ist lieb von dir"
        - take i@red_tulip,4
        - wait 2
        - chat "Bitte sei doch so nett und bringe doch dem Peter von mir Diesen Kuchen."
        - give i@regeln2
        - give i@Befehle3 
        - give i@cake 
        - chat "buch"
        - zap step:1

  type: book
  title: "buch"
  author: <>
  - "<blue>Regeln vom Server:<red> \n \n 1. Nicht Spammen! \n \n 2. Nicht Griefen \n \n 3. Nerv nicht die Anderen \n \n 4. Nicht nach OP Betteln"
  - ""

  type: book
  title: "buch"
  author: <>
  - "<blue>Allgemeine Infos:<red> \n \nBesitzer: <gold> <>\n \n<red>Erstellt Am: <gold><>\n \n<red>Zeit:<gold> <><red>\n \n1. Server Besuch am: <gold>\n\n<player.first_played.time>"
  - "<blue>Server Infos:<red> \n \nIhr k<&ouml>nnt mit einer <gold>\nGoldenen Schaufel<red> \neuer Gebiet Protecten in dem ihr mit der Rechten Maustaste auf Das Gebiet Klickt. Ihr habt eine Begrenzte Anzahl an Protect Steine aber ihr k<&ouml>nnt mit \n           ---> Seite 2 "
  - "<gold>/buyclaims<red> weitere steine Kaufen. Mit /trust /"
  - NARRATE <player.inventory.contains[red_tulip]>


'SAL-1-1': # Same name as flag to avoid confusing myself.
  Type: Interact
    Mode: ALL
    - FLAGGED 'SAL-1-1'
      Chat Trigger:
        1:    #In this option Sal will ask if you'd like more info, giving you 2 more options. This demonstrates branching the chat tree.
          - CHAT "Information about Option 1."
          - WAIT 2
          - CHAT "There's 2 more things you can ask about this topic. Pick one."
          - ^NARRATE "Options:"
          - ^NARRATE "1: Option 1."
          - ^NARRATE "2: Option 2."  
          - ^NARRATE "3: Leave."
          - ^RESET FLAG:SAL-1-1        
          - ^FLAG 'SAL-2-1'    # Second question teir, first option. 
        2:    #This option will send you to another chat branch that requires you to have some other requirements. 
          Trigger: /Option 2/.
          - CHAT "Response to Option 2."
          - WAIT 2
          - CHAT "Have you met dave? I can tell you where a thing is if you have.
          - ^NARRATE "Options:"
          - ^NARRATE "1: Yes I have"        #If you haven't met dave and gotten the proper flag from him, picking yes will be lying.
          - ^NARRATE "2: No I haven't"      # as such we'll need a script for such a situation. See below for how that's handled.
          - ^NARRATE "3: Leave"
          - ^RESET FLAG:SAL-1-1
          - ^FLAG 'SAL-2-2'
        3:   #This option gives a requirement for a quest. I could make it more dynamic so if you've taken this option, you can't again, but I'm lazy so deal with it.
          Trigger: /Option 3/.
          - CHAT "Information needed to learn about a quest somewhere else."
          - RESET FLAG:SAL-1-1
          - FLAG 'OtherQuestStart'
        4:   #This was the Leave option. This ends the conversation and resets all necessary flags so chatting again will not bug.
          Trigger: /Leave/.
          - RESET FLAG:SAL-1-1
          - ^NARRATE "You stop talking to Sal and walk away."
