Paste #22713: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/11/17 22:57:12 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
        on player enters cu@Artifact:
        - if <player.flag[ArtifactQuestCounter]> == 1 {
            - if <player.has_flag[engaged]> {
                - queue clear
            - flag player engaged
            - wait 2s
            - narrate format:narrate "The humming of the object before you is intense. It invades your mind, drowning out all reality."
            - wait 2s
            - cast confusion duration:12s
            - wait 2s
            - cast blindness duration:12s
            - cast slow duration:12s power:3
            - wait 2s
            - narrate format:narrate "You are met with the knowledge that this object is called..."
            - wait 3s
            - narrate format:narrate "<gold><bold>The Artifact."
            - wait 3s
            - narrate format:narrate "You feel the earth shift beneath you as your vision returns."
            - wait 2s
            - teleport <l@-118,68,21,0,-179,spawn>
            - flag player ArtifactQuestCounter:2
            - execute as_server "quest npc hide 11 <>"
            - execute as_server "quest npc turnin 11 <>"
            - flag player engaged:!
        else if <player.flag[ArtifactQuestCounter]> == complete {
            - narrate format:narrate "The Artifact hums loudly, pulsating, like a living contruct taking breaths."
        else {
            - narrate format:narrate "The mysterious object hums loudly. It is unfamiliar to you."
            - wait 3s
            - narrate format:narrate "Perhaps someone in town may know more."