Paste #22721: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/11/17 23:40:34 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: assignment
  interact scripts:
  - 10 EarthQuestPart1
  type: item
  material: tripwire_hook
  display name: An Earthly Key
  - <&o>This Key Will Let You In To Nirriti's Domain
  type: interact
      click trigger:
        - chat "Greetings traveler, would you be willing to help me?"
      chat trigger:
          trigger: /Yes/, I'd be happy to!
          - chat "Great thank you so much."
          - wait 2
          - chat "My name is Gaea, this is my World Tree, Toparite."
          - wait 2
          - chat "Recently I, as well as Toparite, have grown weak."
          - wait 2
          - chat "We need to gain our power back in order to preserve balance in the world."
          - wait 2
          - chat "I can give power back to Toparite with sapplings of other trees."
          - wait 2
          - chat "Please bring me 16 of each type of Sappling!"
          - zap step:2
          trigger: /No/, I am too busy exploring.
          - chat "Well thanks anyway, please come back when you have the time."
      click trigger:
        - if <player.inventory.contains[sapling].qty[16]> && <player.inventory.contains[spruce_sapling].qty[16]> && <player.inventory.contains[birch_sapling].qty[16]> && <player.inventory.contains[jungle_sapling].qty[16]> && <player.inventory.contains[acacia_sapling].qty[16]> && <player.inventory.contains[darkoak_sapling].qty[16]> {
          - ^take sapling qty:16
          - ^take spruce_sapling qty:16
          - ^take birch_sapling qty:16
          - ^take jungle_sapling qty:16
          - ^take acacia_sapling qty:16
          - ^take darkoak_sapling qty:16
          - chat "You brought me all the sapplings! Thank you."
          - chat "Click on me again when you want to help some more!"
          - zap step:3

        } else {
          - chat "You don't have all the saplings yet!"
          - wait 1
          - chat "Remember, there are 6 different types of saplings."
          - wait 1
          - chat "Please come back when you have them all!"
      click trigger:
        - chat "Are you ready to help me some more?"
      chat trigger:
          trigger: /Yes/, what else do you need?
            - chat "Thank you traveler! Your previous contribution helped Toparite, but now I need some help."
            - wait 2
            - chat "I must harness the power of other friendly life forms."
            - wait 1
            - chat "Please bring me 8 Spawn Eggs for each of the following animals: Horse, Cow, Sheep, Pig, and Chicken."
            - zap step:4
          trigger: /No/, not right now.
          - chat "I would do it myself, but I am still so weak..."
      click trigger:
        - if <player.inventory.contains[horseegg].qty[8]> && <player.inventory.contains[cowegg].qty[8]> && <player.inventory.contains[sheepegg].qty[8]> && <player.inventory.contains[pigegg].qty[8]> && <player.inventory.contains[chickenegg].qty[8]> {
          - ^take horseegg qty:8
          - ^take cowegg qty:8
          - ^take sheepegg qty:8
          - ^take pigegg qty:8
          - ^take chickenegg qty:8
          - chat "You brought me all the Spawn Eggs! Thank you."
          - chat "Click on me again when you want to help some more!"
          - zap step:5

        } else {
          - chat "You don't have all the Spawn Eggs yet!"
          - wait 1
          - chat "Remember, I need 8 Spawn Eggs for each of the following animals: Horse, Cow, Sheep, Pig, and Chicken."
          - wait 1
          - chat "Please come back when you have them all!"
      click trigger:
        - chat "This is the last thing I'll ask of you. Are you ready?"
      chat trigger:
          trigger: /Yes/, I am ready.
            - chat "I am feeling much stronger now, thank you for getting all those items for me."
            - wait 2
            - chat "Now I must ask you for one more favor, only the bravest of souls will accept my task."
            - wait 1
            - chat "I, Gaea, am the light and the life that inspires growth towards the sun. But light is nothing without darkness."
            - wait 1
            - chat "There is a great darkness that lives under Toparite. Nirriti, the goddess of Death and Decay."
            - wait 2
            - chat "She has stolen my Spark of Life that maintains the balance between Toparite, myself, and all of Nature."
            - wait 2
            - chat "With my regained power, I have forged you a key to let you enter into her domain"
            - wait 2
            - give i@EarthQuestKey
          trigger: /No/, I'm still tired from your last task.
          - chat "Please rest up my friend, come back when you are ready."