Paste #22916: Diff note for paste #22915

Date: 2015/11/21 17:37:53 UTC-08:00
Type: Diff Report

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     type: world
         - if <player.flag[money]> < %price% {
             - narrate "<&4>Not enough money."
             - queue clear
         - if <player.flag[money]> >= %price% {
             - flag player money:-:%price%
             - narrate "<&b>Donated $%price% to the Donation Fund."
             - flag server donation_fund:+:%price%
-        on player right clicks block:
+        on player right clicks STONE_BUTTON:
-            - if <context.location.material.contains[button]> queue clear
             - choose <context.location.simple>:
                 - case 1044,63,967,Dekara:
                     - define price 100
                 - case 1044,63,970,Dekara:
                     - define price 1000
                 - case 1044,63,973,Dekara:
                     - define price 10000
             - inject locally pre