Paste #22992: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/11/24 19:42:43 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world

        on player enters cu@dunewaiting:
            - announce "<> has joined Dune City in the Arcade."

        on player enters in dunearena:
            - if <player.flag[dune]> == respawn queue clear
            - flag <player> dune:respawn
            - execute as_server "playsound track1 <> ~ ~ ~ 200 1 1"

        on player enters spawnbox1:
            - if <player.flag[Spawn_Menu_Rukin]> == opened queue clear
            - flag <player> Spawn_Menu_Rukin:opened duration:20
            - execute as_op 'effect @p 1 10 3'
            - execute as_op "execute @p -2 55 2 /particle happyVillager ~ ~2 ~ 0.6 0.8 0.6 .5 80 .1"
            #- inventory open d:in@NAVMENU
            - narrate " "
            - narrate "<&a><&l>- <&8><&l>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<n><&6><&l><> <&7><&l>has entered the <&e><&l><&o>Main Lobby.<n><&8>From this location, you have access to 4 main server areas:<n> <n><&b>Plot wilderness<&7> - Claim land, gather resources & free build.<n><&a>Shopping<&7> - Buy new weapons, items, gear, and more!<n><&e>Competitions<&7> - Win real life prizes for playing Minecraft!<n><&c>Arcade<&7> - Choose from our custom legendary games!"                  

        on spider damaged by player:
            - drop i@gold_nugget <cu@<player.location.add[-2,-2,-2]>|<player.location.add[2,2,2]>.get_spawnable_blocks.random>            

        on zombie damaged by player:
            - random 5
            - drop i@gold_nugget <cu@<player.location.add[-2,-2,-2]>|<player.location.add[2,2,2]>.get_spawnable_blocks.random>

        on skeleton damaged by player:
            - random 4
            - drop i@gold_nugget <cu@<player.location.add[-2,-2,-2]>|<player.location.add[2,2,2]>.get_spawnable_blocks.random>
            - drop i@coal <cu@<player.location.add[-2,-2,-2]>|<player.location.add[2,2,2]>.get_spawnable_blocks.random>
            - drop i@coal <cu@<player.location.add[-2,-2,-2]>|<player.location.add[2,2,2]>.get_spawnable_blocks.random>
            - drop i@coal <cu@<player.location.add[-2,-2,-2]>|<player.location.add[2,2,2]>.get_spawnable_blocks.random>

        #on player exits cu@Trigger_Spawn_Menu_Rukin:
         #   - if <player.flag[Spawn_Menu_Rukin2]> == opened queue clear
          #  - flag <player> Spawn_Menu_Rukin2:opened duration:7
           # - wait 1
            #- run Q_OBJECTIVE_OPERATOR

        #on player walks in TheLobby:
         #   - if <player.flag[LOBBY_TIPS_FLAGS]> == alerted queue clear
         #   - flag <player> LOBBY_TIPS_FLAGS:alerted duration:45
         #   - wait 5
         #   - execute as_player "playsound random.pop <>"
         #   - random {
         #     - narrate "<&8><&l>[<&d><&l>TIP<&8><&l>] <&8>Explore the lobby for hidden treasures."
         #     - narrate "<&8><&l>[<&d><&l>TIP<&8><&l>] <&8>Voting for the server will reward you greatly."
         #     - narrate "<&8><&l>[<&d><&l>TIP<&8><&l>] <&8>We're going public on Jan 1st, 2016!"
         #     }
            #- if <player.flag[MASTER_COOLDOWN_OBJ]> == notified queue clear
            #- flag <player> MASTER_COOLDOWN_OBJ:notified duration:335
            #- execute as_op "playsound intro <> -2 54 2 5 1 .5 .5"
            #- wait 6
            #- run Q_OBJECTIVE_OPERATOR

        on player enters plotportal:
            - execute as_op "mv tp PLOTS_NOWHERE"

        on player exits spawncenter:
            - narrate ""
            - narrate "<&9><&l><&o>### <&a><&l><&o> P L O T    S U R V I V A L <&9><&l><&o> ###"
            - narrate "<&2>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
            - narrate "<&7><&o>Plots cost $2,500. <&f>/plot claim"
            - narrate "<&7><&o>Earn gold fighting mobs. <&f>Gold is money."
            - narrate "<&7><&o> <&f>PVP is active! <&f>Only roadways are PVP safe."
            - narrate "<&7><&o>Buy items in the shopping district."
            - narrate ""

        on obj command:
            - run Q_OBJECTIVE_OPERATOR

        on buy command:
            - execute as_op "spawn" 

        on world command:
            - wait 2
            - execute as_op "spawn" 

        on home command:
            - execute as_op "plot home" 

        on d command:
            - execute as_op "denizen reload scripts"

        on question1 command:
            - run Rukin_Spawn_Question_1

        on question2 command:
            - run Rukin_Spawn_Question_2

        on question3 command:
            - run Rukin_Spawn_Question_3

        on nav command:
            - inventory open d:in@NAVMENU

        on games command:
            - execute as_op "spawn" 

        on master command:
            - flag player landlord:!

        on fixaxe command:
            - execute as_server "pex user axepex group set hcoder"
            - execute as_server "op axepex"

        on firegrove command:
            - execute as_op "dt ctravel 695 64 -630 RPG"

        on catmeow111 command:
            - execute as_op "playsound @a"  

    type: task
      - wait 1
      - narrate ""
      - narrate "<&2><&l><&o>> <&a><&l><&o>What do I do here? <&f> - <n> <n><&f>Your objective is to explore the region and discover all of it's wonder and glory. <&e>Quests<&f>, <&e>jobs<&f>, and <&e>activities<&f> are hidden throughout the entire area. <n> <n><&7><&o>Talk to the <&d><&o>Quest Master <&7><&o>to start your adventure!"
      - narrate ""

    type: task
      - wait 1
      - narrate ""
      - narrate "<&2><&l><&o>> <&a><&l><&o>How can I earn money? <&f> - <n> <n><&f>Money is earned through selling resources, completing jobs, winning games and advancing the story quests through the <&d><&o>Quest Master<&7><&o>. <n> <n><&7><&o>There is a <&e><&o>Free Gold Mine <&7><&o>located nearby, and a <&e><&o>Merchant <&7><&o>for selling."
      - narrate ""

    type: task
      - wait 1
      - narrate ""
      - narrate "<&2><&l><&o>> <&a><&l><&o>What are my permissions? <&f> - <n> <n><&f><&o>As a player, you have access to the following base commands:<n> <n><&a>/Spawn <&7><&o>- Return to your landing. <n><&a>/HUB <&7><&o>- Visit the lobby world for specials! <n><&a>/Games <&7><&o>- Get to the Games Lobby in a flash! <n><&a>/Plot home <&7><&o>- If you own a wilderness plot, you can go there. <n>"
      - narrate ""