Paste #23630: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/12/08 10:16:56 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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#Priest simple quest (maybe)
#I created this script to practice what I had learned by watching the tutorial vidoes at
#it really is a short script if you trim out the narrates
#The priest in this script will give the quest
#The "dead npc" will give the completion flag
#this NPC on completion will give a reward
#Last edit - 5 Dec 2015
#Rev 0.2c
# First Erisian Priest
#chat format
  type: format
  format: "<&b><><&f> <&co> <&a><text>"
#Now the assignment scripts
  type: assignment
  interact scripts:
  - 10 HailEris
    on assignment:
#Here we go ahead and turn on the triggers and set the range of the proximity trigger.
#but wait we turned OFF the click triger!?!?!? Why? Well do you want random people just coming
#up and fondling you? Well neither does the priest, talk to them a bit even offer to help then try to click them 
    - trigger name:click state:false
    - trigger name:chat state:true
    - trigger name:proximity state:true radius:8
#Now we equip our priest with some gear.
    - ^equip <npc> head:i@air chest:i@ErisianTunic legs:i@ErisianLeggings boots:i@ErisianBoots
#Item scripts
  type: item
  material: leather_chestplate
  color: PURPLE
  display name: Robes of an Erisian Priest
  - The Purple Tunic of an Erisian Priest
  type: item
  material: leather_leggings
  color: PURPLE
  display name: Leggings of an Erisian
  - The Purple Leggings of an Erisian Priest
  type: item
  material: leather_boots
  color: PURPLE
  display name: Boots of an Erisian
  - The Purple Boots of an Erisian Priest
  type: book
  title: Principia Discordia
  author: Malaclypse the Younger
  - Hail Eris!<n>/All/ Hail Kallisti!<n>A proper greeting,<n>Don't forget!<p> In the begining there was chaos,<n>and the Gods strove<n>to impose order.
#Interaction scripts. lets use all the triggers (except damage)just for fun, and a chat trigger that is 
#hidden but hinted at in the PrincipiaDiscordia item 
#this will be important for future tie in quests but will trigger it here also with a reward)
  type: interact
      proximity trigger:
#setting some flags here so they dont throw and error being NULL
          - lookclose state:true
          - chat "Hail Eris! My friend. I am <> a travelling priest"
          - chat "of the Erisian Order. I have /news/ of the world if you are interested."
          - chat "I need your /help/ if you are interested in a quest."
          - chat "Farewell friend!"
          - lookclose state:false
      chat trigger:
          trigger: /News/ of the world
          - narrate "Things have gotten bad here in the world."
          - narrate "the Illuminati is sending out monks and we do"
          - narrate "not know the purpose of thier missions. If"
          - narrate "learn anything be sure and let one of the"
          - narrate "priests of the Erisian Order know."
          trigger: /All/ Hail Kallisti!
          - narrate "Hail Eris!! Another Initiate of the Order!"
          - flag <player> Intiate
          - if <player.has_flag[Erisgift]> {
            - random {
              - narrate "I have no more gifts for you"
              - narrate "I am sorry brother nothing to share"
              - narrate "Quit bugging me for free stuff"
            else {
              - give diamond_pickaxe quantity:1
              - give money 100
              - flag <player> Erisgift
          - zap step:1 script:HailEris player:<player>
          trigger: "/Help/ you if I can"
          - narrate "Great! I appreciate that <>!"
          - narrate "Just give me a click and we will begin"
          - trigger name:click state:true
          - zap step:3 script:s@HailEris player:<player>
#this step explains the quest and 
      click trigger:
        - if <player.has_flag[StaffQuestBegun]> && <player.has_flag[StaffQuestItem]> {
          - zap step:1 script:QuestComplete player:<player>
          else {
           - narrate "I have recently discovered that one of the Order"
           - narrate "had been taken and killed. Among his belongings was a staff."
           - narrate "Bring it back and click me and I will reward you well."
           - narrate "What say you? /Yes/ or /No/"
        - zap step:4 script:s@HailEris player:<player>
      chat trigger:
          trigger: /Yes/ I accept this quest
#here we need to set some quest flags on the player to check later when the item is found and brought back.
#something like if has <flag[StaffQuestBegun].is[==].to[true]> and <flag[StaffQuestItem].is[==].to[true]> then reward
#our dead NPC will "give" them the item (and toggle the flag)when he is clicked on. maybe a nasty suprise.. can i spawn some mythic mobs?!?!?. 
# a better idea was given to me from FOrtifier in the IRC channel. Use the player.has_flag to test 
          - flag <player> StaffQuestBegun
          - narrate "I am glad for your help <>!"
          - narrate "Not far from here to the <Direction of body> are the remains"
          - narrate "of Brother Jim. He fought hard against his enemies."
          - narrate "And they know not the power of his Staff"
          - narrate "You will find them in a cave marked with purple stained glass near the entrance"
          - narrate "I am told he is not far from the entrance"
        trigger: /No/ it sounds too dangerous for me
        - narrate "<> I am sorry to hear that."
        - narrate "If you change your mind please let me know."
  type: task
  - narrate "Great your have brought brother Jims staff back!"
  - narrate "It was the first staff he created, imbuing it with"
  - nattate "his inner spirit and power. Let me give you"
  - narrate "a small token of my appreciation"
  - define giftcash <[71].to[100]>
  - give money <def[giftcash]>
  - wait 1
  - narrate "You may also keep the armor brother Jim wore,"
  - narrate "he no longer needs it."