Paste #23642: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/12/08 14:37:40 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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#The Dead NPC , no his name does not have to be Jim, but would need to be changed in some of the narration
#this is pretty basic
  type: assignment
  interact scripts:
  - 10 LootJim
    on assignment:
    - ^equip <npc> head:i@air chest:i@ErisianTunic legs:i@ErisianLeggings boots:i@ErisianBoots
    - trigger name:click state:true
    - animate <npc> animation:SLEEP
#now for the short and sweet interaction?
  type: interact
      click trigger:
#First we check to see if the player has the quest flag from the other NPC. If so we give them the item  , if not we give them the flag and tell the story
#in reverse where they need to take the staff to the first NPC also set the flag here.      
        - if <player.has_flag[StaffQuestBegun]> {
          - flag <player> StaffQuestItem
          - give <player> i@JimsStaff
          - give <player> i@ErisianBoots
          - give <player> i@ErisianLeggings
          - give <player> i@ErisianTunic
         else {
            - narrate "You have set my soul free! Thank you!"
            - narrate "You must take my staff to a priest"
            - narrate "of the Order of Eris. The staff must not"
            - narrate "fall into the hands of the Illuminati"
            - narrate "Hail Eris!"
            - flag <player> StaffQuestBegun
            - flag <player> StaffQuestItem
            - give <player> i@JimsStaff
            - give <player> i@ErisianBoots
            - give <player> i@ErisianLeggings
            - give <player> i@ErisianTunic
#here we spawn a couple of monsters using the MythicBobs plugin. 
      - execute as_op "mm mobs spawn IlluminatiMonk 2"