Paste #23757: treasurehunt

Date: 2015/12/12 10:38:47 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
        on 7:00 in Survival:
            - if <server.flag[treasure-days].as_int||0> > 0 {
                - flag server treasure-days:--
                - queue clear
            - run newTreasureTask instantly

    type: task
    default constants:
        days: 10
        - flag server treasure-days:<script.constants[days]>
        - flag server treasure-location:l@<[-2500].to[2500]>,0,<[-2500].to[2500]>
        - flag server treasure-found:!
        - announce "The <bold>Treasure Hunt<reset> has begun! First to find it gets extra loot. Type <yellow>/th<reset> to join the adventure."

    type: command
    name: thnew
    description: Generates new treasure hunt coordinates
    permission: treasurehunt.manage
        - run newTreasureTask instantly

    type: command
    name: th
    description: Checks the treasure hunt coordinates
    default constants:
        world: Survival
        threshold: 5
        - if !<server.has_flag[treasure-location]> {
            - narrate "<red>There is currently no treasure hunt active, please wait for an announcement."
            - queue clear
        - if <player.has_permission[treasurehunt.manage]> narrate "<&d>The treasure has been found by <server.flag[treasure-found].as_list.size||0> players."
        - define timeRemaining <server.flag[treasure-days].as_int||0>
        - if %timeRemaining% == 0 {
            - define timeRemaining "less than one minecraft day"
        } else if %timeRemaining% == 1 {
            - define timeRemaining "one minecraft day"
        } else {
            - define timeRemaining "%timeRemaining% minecraft days"
        - if <server.flag[treasure-found].as_list.contains[<player>]||false> {
            - narrate "<red>You have already found this treasure! A new treasure hunt will start in %timeRemaining%."
            - queue clear
        - define location <server.flag[treasure-location]>
        - define threshold <script.constants[threshold]>
        - if <> == <script.constants[world]> && <math.abs:<%location%.x>-<player.location.x>> < %threshold% && <math.abs:<%location%.z>-<player.location.z>> < %threshold% {
            - firework <player.location> random
            - if !<server.has_flag[treasure-found]> {
                - announce "<yellow><><reset> is first to find the treasure! Congratulations."
                - if <[1].to[3]> == 1 {
                    - narrate "<&d>You found 500 coins and Rare Pirate Loot!"
                    - give money qty:500
                    - random {
                        - give "i@diamond_sword[display_name=<yellow>Pirate Sword;enchantments=loot_bonus_mobs,3|fire_aspect,2|damage_all,3]"
                        - give "i@bow[display_name=<yellow>Pirate Bow;enchantments=arrow_infinite,1|arrow_damage,5|arrow_fire,1]"
                        - give "i@chainmail_helmet[display_name=<yellow>Pirate Helmet;enchantments=water_worker,1|oxygen,3|protection_projectile,3]"
                        - give "i@chainmail_chestplate[display_name=<yellow>Pirate Chestplate;enchantments=thorns,3|durability,3|protection_environmental,4]"
                        - give "i@chainmail_leggings[display_name=<yellow>Pirate Leggings;enchantments=protection_explosions,4]"
                        - give "i@chainmail_boots[display_name=<yellow>Pirate Boots;enchantments=depth_strider,3|protection_fire,4]"
                        - give "i@fishing_rod[display_name=<yellow>Pirate Rod;enchantments=lure,3|luck,3|knockback,2]"
                } else {
                    - narrate "<&d>You found 500 coins and an Enchanted Book!"
                    - give money qty:500
                    - random {
                        - give i@enchanted_book[enchantments=protection_environmental,4]
                        - give i@enchanted_book[enchantments=oxygen,3]
                        - give i@enchanted_book[enchantments=depth_strider,3]
                        - give i@enchanted_book[enchantments=fire_aspect,2]
                        - give i@enchanted_book[enchantments=loot_bonus_mobs,3]
                        - give i@enchanted_book[enchantments=dig_speed,5]
                        - give i@enchanted_book[enchantments=silk_touch,1]
                        - give i@enchanted_book[enchantments=loot_bonus_blocks,3]
                        - give i@enchanted_book[enchantments=arrow_damage,5]
                        - give i@enchanted_book[enchantments=arrow_infinite,1]
            } else {
                - announce "<yellow><><reset> has found the treasure! Congratulations."
                - narrate "<&d>You found 250 coins!"
                - give money qty:250
            - flag server treasure-found:->:<player>
            - queue clear
        - narrate "There is a treasure in <script.constants[world]> at X:<%location%.x.as_int>, Z:<%location%.z.as_int>. You have %timeRemaining% left to find it. Type /th again once you've arrived at these coordinates."