Paste #23950: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/12/18 16:36:28 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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## All flags below will have a prefix with "ZS_"

### Arena Flags:
## MapName - Arena_1:Default
## Map Status - MapStatus_Default:Standby/Running/Closed
## Map Lobby - MapLobby_Default:<player.location>
## Spawn locations for mobs - SpawnLoc_Default_1:<dList>
## Start Positions for players - StartLoc_Default_1:<dList>
## Waves counter - WaveCounter_Default:21
## Players left in arena - PlayersInArena_Default:<dList>
## Players Spectating - PlayersSpec_Default:<dList>

### Player Flags:
## If they are in a Arena - Survivor:Default
## If they are a spectator - Spec:Default
## Their Coins - Coins:1257
## Highest Record - Highest_Wave:28
## Zombies Total Killed - Zombies_Killed:328

### Main Flags:
## Lobby/Hub - Main_Lobby:<player.location>
## Total_Mobs_Slain:3215
## All Arenas - List_Arenas: