Paste #2706: Denizen Debug Logs From A Minecraft Server

Date: 2014/03/21 06:47:01 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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CraftBukkit Version: git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks (MC: 1.7.2)
Active Plugins: WorldEdit: 5.5.8, Craftconomy3: 3.1.5 jenkins-Craftconomy3-2076, DwarfCraft: 1.9.3, 
Vault: 1.2.31-b411, PermissionsEx: 1.20.4, Multiverse-Core: 2.5-b678, WorldGuard: 5.9, 
Essentials: Pre2.13.1.6, dynmap: 1.9.2-940, Citizens: 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT (build 1053), 
MagicSpells: 3.1, EssentialsProtect: Pre2.13.1.6, Denizen: 0.9.4-SNAPSHOT (build 1434), 
EssentialsSpawn: Pre2.13.1.6, Multiverse-Portals: 2.5-b699, Sentry: 1.8.0, 
EssentialsChat: Pre2.13.1.6, EssentialsAntiBuild: Pre2.13.1.6, Quester:, 
dtlTraders: 3.0.9-snapshot
Loaded Worlds: Azeroth, Azeroth_nether, Azeroth_the_end, dev_world
Online Players: NLS667(NLS667)

14:50:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'Event': Type='on 6:00 in Azeroth'  
                   Container='WORLD SETUP(WORLD)'  Context='{time=6, 
14:50:47 [INFO] +- Building event 'ON 6:00 IN AZEROTH' for WORLD SETUP 
14:50:47 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'ZEDEINDDDN'... 
14:50:47 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG ---------+ 
14:50:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='NOC'  
                   Action/Value='DELETE(false)'  flag_target='server' 
14:50:47 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE ---------+ 
14:50:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='Time to wake up!'  
14:50:47 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FOREACH ---------+ 
14:50:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <fl@npclist.as_list> with 'li@22'. 
14:50:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': list='li@22' 
14:50:47 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN ---------+ 
14:50:47 [INFO]  ...replacing the linked NPC with 22 
14:50:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='WAKEUP(TASK)' 
14:50:47 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'ENENNNENDZ'... 
14:50:47 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANIMATE/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:50:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@22'. 
14:50:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANIMATE': animation='STOP_SLEEPING'  
14:50:47 [INFO]  Completing queue 'ZEDEINDDDN'. 
14:50:47 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:50:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='SLEEPING'  
                   Action/Value='DELETE(false)'  npc='n@22' 
14:50:48 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WALKTO/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:50:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@22'. 
14:50:48 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.anchor[startPosition]> with 
14:50:48 [INFO]  ERROR! 'auto-range' is an unknown argument! 
14:50:48 [INFO] +> Executing 'WALKTO': 
                   location='l@-3520.0,67.0,14.0,Azeroth'  speed='0.8'  
                   npcs='[Drwal Józek/22]' 
14:50:48 [INFO]  Completing queue 'ENENNNENDZ'. 
14:50:54 [INFO] +> Executing 'Action': Type='On complete navigation'  
                   NPC='Drwal Józek/22'  Container='LUMBERJACK(ASSIGNMENT)' 
14:50:54 [INFO] +- Building action 'On COMPLETE NAVIGATION' for Drwal 
                   Józek/22 ---------+ 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'EEZZEZZEEE'... 
14:50:54 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.location.simple> with 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.anchor[startPosition].simple> with 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.location.simple> with 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.anchor[sleepPosition].simple> with 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.location.simple> with 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.anchor[restPosition].simple> with 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Comparable='String(-3520,67,14,Azeroth)', 
                   ComparedTo='String(-3520,67,14,Azeroth)' --> 
14:50:54 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[ready_to_work]> with 'null'. 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Comparable='String(null)', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(true)' --> 
14:50:54 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Filled tag <global.flag[noc]> with 'null'. 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Comparable='String(null)', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(true)' --> 
14:50:54 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:50:54 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='GOREST(TASK)' 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'ZDINNEEZNZ'... 
14:50:54 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WALKTO/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@22'. 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.anchor[restPosition]> with 
14:50:54 [INFO]  ERROR! 'auto-range' is an unknown argument! 
14:50:54 [INFO] +> Executing 'WALKTO': 
                   location='l@-3517.0,68.0,16.0,Azeroth'  speed='0.5'  
                   npcs='[Drwal Józek/22]' 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Completing queue 'ZDINNEEZNZ'. 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Completing queue 'EEZZEZZEEE'. 
14:50:54 [INFO]  Completing queue 'ZDINNEEZNZ'. 
14:51:00 [INFO] +> Executing 'Action': Type='On complete navigation'  
                   NPC='Drwal Józek/22'  Container='LUMBERJACK(ASSIGNMENT)' 
14:51:00 [INFO] +- Building action 'On COMPLETE NAVIGATION' for Drwal 
                   Józek/22 ---------+ 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'ZEZNEDNNIZ'... 
14:51:00 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.location.simple> with 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.anchor[startPosition].simple> with 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.location.simple> with 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.anchor[sleepPosition].simple> with 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.location.simple> with 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.anchor[restPosition].simple> with 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Comparable='String(-3518,68,16,Azeroth)', 
                   ComparedTo='String(-3520,67,14,Azeroth)' --> 
14:51:00 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Comparable='String(-3518,68,16,Azeroth)', 
                   ComparedTo='String(-3508,68,12,Azeroth)' --> 
14:51:00 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Comparable='String(-3518,68,16,Azeroth)', 
                   ComparedTo='String(-3517,68,16,Azeroth)' --> 
14:51:00 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[ready_to_cut]> with 'null'. 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Comparable='String(null)', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(true)' --> 
14:51:00 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: QUEUE/Drwal Józek ---------+ 
14:51:00 [INFO] +> Executing 'QUEUE': Queue='ZEZNEDNNIZ'  Action='CLEAR' 
14:51:00 [INFO]  Completing queue 'ZEZNEDNNIZ'.