Paste #27794: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/01/03 11:05:27 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: world 
  debug: false 


    # Check for the player right clicking entities with the baby_wand item 
      on player clicks with magicstone: 

      # Play an effect, and run the age command on the entity 
      - EXECUTE AS_SERVER 'say hai' 
      - EXECUTE AS_SERVER 'say Beep Boop' 
      - TAKE i@magicstone 
      - narrate "<red>The Magic Stone has given you its power" 

# Build item script containers 
    type: item 
    debug: false 
    material: ink_sack:4 
    display name: Magic Stone 
    - "The stone purrs with energy."