Paste #28326: Edit of P#28325 - Edit of P#28324 - Edit of P#28323 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/01/12 11:30:02 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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Dice Roll Command:
  Type: World
    On DiceRoll Command:
      - take money quantity:1000
      - narrate "<&a>$1,000 has been deducted from your account."
      - narrate "<&6>Rolling Dice!"
      - run RollDice delay:2s
      - determine passively fulfilled

  Type: Task
      - flag diceNum:<[1].to[50]>
      - if <player.flag[diceNum]> == 50 {
        - announce "<&2><><&6> just rolled the<&l> GRAND PRIZE: <&2><&l>6x Creeper Eggs!"
        - narrate "<&6>You rolled <&l>GRAND PRIZE! You win!"
        - give i@383,50 <player> qty:6
        - firework <player.location> star primary:yellow fade:white
        - firework <player.location> star primary:red fade:white
        else if <player.flag[diceNum]> >= 49 {
        - announce "<&2><><&6> just rolled the<&l> Second Grand Prize: <&2><&l>$50.000!"
        - narrate "<&a>$50,000 has been added to your account."
        - give money quantity:50000
        - firework <player.location> star primary:yellow fade:white
        - firework <player.location> star primary:red fade:white
        else if <player.flag[diceNum]> >= 48 {
        - announce "<&2><><&6> just rolled the<&l> Third Grand Prize: <&2><&l>$35.000!"
        - narrate "<&a>$35,000 has been added to your account."
        - give money quantity:35000
        - firework <player.location> star primary:yellow fade:white
        - firework <player.location> star primary:red fade:white
        else if <player.flag[diceNum]> >= 1 {
        - narrate "<&6>You rolled between 45 and 50! You win!"
        - give i@diamond_chestplate[display_name=<&8>Lucky<&7><&sp>Dice<&f><&sp>Chestplate;enchantments=PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL,4|DURABILITY,3];lore=It<&sq>s<&sp>only<&sp>a<&sp>gambling<&sp>problem<&sp>if<&sp>you<&sq>re<&sp>losin<&sq>.]
        else if <player.flag[diceNum]> > 17 {
        - narrate "<&6>You've rolled between 18 and 21! You win:"
        else if <player.flag[diceNum]> > 10 {
        - narrate "<&6>You've rolled between 11 and 16. You win:"
        else {
        - chat "<&6>Sorry you rolled less 10 or less.... You lose!" 

      - flag diceNum:!