Paste #28882: Denizen For Bungee Sockets

Date: 2016/01/21 21:17:16 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# NOTE: I can do /server <server name> to hop between servers for Bungee is working.
# -- This is the config.yml for Bungee server.

# Whether debug information about Depenizen should appear in the
# BungeeCord console
  Show: true

# SocketServer configuration, required for sending information
# between servers without the need for online players on each
# sender and recipient
  Enabled: true
  Port: 25578
  # How many servers are allowed to be connected to the socket
  # at one time
  Max clients: 3
  Password: <my password here>

# -- This is the config.yml for main server.

# BungeeCord Socket configuration, required for sending information
# between servers without the need for online players on each
# sender and recipient
  Enabled: true
  Ip address: <my ip here>
  Port: 25578
  Password: <my password here>
  # The name to connect with. Used for the Bungee dServer object.
  # This does not have to be the same name that Bungee itself
  # recognizes, but it is recommended to use that for consistency.
  Name: ntb
  # The time in milliseconds that this server should take while
  # trying to connect to the BungeeCord Socket before giving up.
  # Set this to 0 to try to connect until there's an error
  Timeout: 3000
  # The time in milliseconds to wait between attempts at reconnecting
  # to the socket
  Reconnect Delay: 10000

# -- This is the config.yml for secondary server.

# BungeeCord Socket configuration, required for sending information
# between servers without the need for online players on each
# sender and recipient
  Enabled: true
  Ip address: <my ip here>
  Port: 25578
  Password: <my password here>
  # The name to connect with. Used for the Bungee dServer object.
  # This does not have to be the same name that Bungee itself
  # recognizes, but it is recommended to use that for consistency.
  Name: box
  # The time in milliseconds that this server should take while
  # trying to connect to the BungeeCord Socket before giving up.
  # Set this to 0 to try to connect until there's an error
  Timeout: 3000
  # The time in milliseconds to wait between attempts at reconnecting
  # to the socket
  Reconnect Delay: 10000