Paste #29251: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/01/27 19:39:38 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: assignment

  default constants:

    Food: i@4215|i@4216|i@4218|i@4219|i@4220|i@4221|i@4217
    SeedQty: 5
    EggQty: 1

  interact scripts:
  - 10 Feed Clucky

    on assignment:
    - trigger name:click toggle:true
    - trigger name:proximity toggle:true
    - trigger name:damage toggle:false

    # Make the NPC so they can be killed by the player. They will respawn 60 seconds later.
    - execute as_npc "npc sel <>"

    # If you don't want the chicken to take damage or be killed, simply comment the line directly below.
    - execute as_npc "npc vulnerable"
    - execute as_npc "npc respawn 60"

    # Make the NPC look at players
    - lookclose state:true

    on spawn:
    - teleport npc 'location:-190,63,908,world'

    on death by player:
    - narrate "<red>You have killed <aqua><><red>. Luckily, she knows how to travel through space and time and will return shortly."

"Feed Clucky":
  type: interact

      proximity trigger:
          - ^random {
            - ^narrate "<aqua><><red> the chicken looks at you funny..."
            - ^narrate "<red>The creepy chicken is eagerly watching your every move.."
            - ^narrate "<red>You feel someone or something staring at you.."
            - ^narrate "<red>Is this deja vu or have you seen that chicken before?"
            - ^narrate "<red>You feel your mind being altered, implanted with an urge to feed that chicken staring at you."
            - ^narrate "<red>You notice a chicken, watching you with it's one big eye."
            - ^narrate "<red>For some reason, you feel like you are being watched." }
          - ^playsound location:<npc.location> sound:chicken_idle

      click trigger:
        - ^if <cons:Food> contains <player.item_in_Hand> {
          - take <player.item_in_Hand>
          - flag <player> CluckyCount:++
          - run "Clucky Reward Check" }

          else {
            - random {
              - narrate "<red>A single tear rolls down <aqua><><red>'s cheek ..."
              - narrate "<red>You don't have any cooked apricorns to feed <aqua><><red>."
              - narrate "<red>Poor <aqua><><red>, you don't have any cooked apricorns to feed her. Oh well, it's just a chicken anyway."
              - narrate "<red>It's rare that someone approaches <aqua><><red> without any apricorns ... how could you <yellow><><red>?"
              - narrate "<red>Another day, another disappointment for poor <aqua><><red>."
              - narrate "<red>You feel disappointed in yourself for not having any cooked apricorns to feed <aqua><><red>."
              - narrate "<red>You feel ashamed in yourself for being the only person to disappoint <aqua><><red> in a year."
              - narrate "<red>A sudden fear of being attacked ... by a chicken, overwhelms you."

      damage trigger:
        - ^playsound location:<npc.location> sound:chicken_hurt

"Clucky Reward Check":
  type: task
  speed: 0

  - ^if <player.flag[CluckyCount]> == 1 narrate "<aqua><><red> gobbles up the apricorns, but is still hungry ..."
    else if <player.flag[CluckyCount]> == 2 narrate "<aqua><><red> seems happier but is eagerly waiting for more ..."
    else if <player.flag[CluckyCount]> == 3 narrate "<red>Yep, if you keep on feeding <aqua><><red> she might just ..."
    else if <player.flag[CluckyCount]> == 4 narrate "<red>Almost ..."
    else if <player.flag[CluckyCount]> >= <cons:SeedQty> run "Clucky Reward"

"Clucky Reward":
  type: task
  speed: 0

  - ^playsound location:<npc.location> sound:chicken_egg_pop
  - ^random {
    - ^drop i@4138 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4139 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4140 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4141 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4142 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4143 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4144 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4145 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4146 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4147 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4148 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4149 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4150 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4151 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4152 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4153 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4154 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4155 qty:1 location:<npc.location>
    - ^drop i@4156 qty:1 location:<npc.location> }
  - ^flag <player> CluckyCount:!
  - ^random {
    - narrate "<red>Why did it come out full-size?"
    - narrate "<red>What an odd egg!"
    - narrate "<red>Oh snap, a pokeball!"
    - narrate "<red>Pokeball get!"
    - narrate "<aqua><><red> laid an odd egg!"
    - narrate "<red>In goes the food, out comes the ball ..." }