Paste #2929: null error

Date: 2014/03/26 13:21:44 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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[13:57:00] [Server thread/INFO]: +> [ScriptHelper] Processing 'util.dscript'... 
[13:57:00] [Server thread/INFO]: +> [ScriptHelper] Processing outside scripts... 
[13:57:00] [Server thread/INFO]: +> [ScriptHelper] Processing 
[13:57:00] [Server thread/INFO]: +> [ScriptHelper] Processing '\cookies.yml'... 
[13:57:00] [Server thread/INFO]:  OKAY! All scripts loaded! 
[13:57:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Denizen/scripts/... reloaded from disk to memory.
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'Event': Type='on INVISME command'  
                   Container='CLASSCOMMANDS(WORLD)'  Player='shakey2'  
                   Context='{args=li@-r, raw_args=-r, command=INVISME, 
                   server=false, parsed_args=li@-r}' 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Building event 'ON INVISME COMMAND' for CLASSCOMMANDS 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]:  Starting InstantQueue 'IEZDEEIZEN'... 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/shakey2 ---------+ 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]:  Unfilled attributes '[get1]' for tag <c.args.get1>! 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]:  Filled tag <c.args.get1> with 'null'. 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='IEZDEEIZEN'  
                   definition='arg1'  value='null' 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: IF/shakey2 ---------+ 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]:  Comparable 1: Comparable='String(null)', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(null)' --> 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: CAST/shakey2 ---------+ 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]:  Unfilled attributes '[players, within100]' for tag 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]:  Filled tag <player.location.find.players.within100> with 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]:  ERROR! 'null' is an unknown argument! 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'CAST': Target(s)='[p@shakey2]'  
                   Effect='INVISIBILITY'  Amplifier='1'  duration='152000t' 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/shakey2 ---------+ 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='All players within a 
                   100 block radius around you are now invisible!'  
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/shakey2 ---------+ 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='You can turn everyone 
                   back to normal by doing /invisme -r'  
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: DETERMINE/shakey2 ---------+ 
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='fulfilled'  
[13:57:04] [Server thread/INFO]:  Completing queue 'IEZDEEIZEN'.