Paste #2964: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/03/27 21:01:04 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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 type: assignment

 interact scripts:
 - 10 roll_dice

 default constants:
     Cost: 100

    on assignment:
    - trigger name:click toggle:true
    - trigger name:proximity toggle:true radius:2
    - trigger name:chat toggle:true

#main script
  type: interact
  Mode: All
  - MONEY 100
    'Announce Self*':
      proximity trigger:
          - CHAT "&a Hey welcome to the Qhul-Rahav Gaming Hall, come and roll the dice."
          - CHAT "&a Goodbye! Come play again."  

      click trigger:
          - random 4
          - CHAT "&a I will also steal everything on you, but that's part of the risk."
          - CHAT "&a It's wise to play with no one around. ;)"
          - CHAT "&a You may walk away rich or dead, its all luck here."
          - CHAT "&a Say &6roll&a to give the dice a toss, becareful you will die if you roll a (1)."
      chat trigger:
          trigger: /Roll/ the dice.
          - if "<>" < "<cons:Cost>" chat 'You only have <red>$<><green>.' else runtask "script:rollit"

  type: task
          - ^TAKE MONEY QTY:100
          - execute as_server "money give nation-ar-selukk 100"
          - cooldown duration:10s "script:roll_dice"
          - CHAT "Thanks for the payment and good luck!"
          - WAIT 3

# Roll count down
          - CHAT "It's time to roll!"
          - WAIT 1
          - CHAT "3"
          - WAIT 1
          - CHAT "2"
          - WAIT 1
          - CHAT "1"

# Will pick a random task from roll scripts below.
          - random 3
          - runtask "script:random_1"
          - runtask "script:random_2"
          - runtask "script:fail"
#Roll Scripts

  type: task
          - chat "You fail to roll the dice properly, it falls and lands on the floor."
          - wait 1
          - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."
  type: task
  script: #set 1
          - random 10
          - runtask "script:roll_1"
          - runtask "script:roll_2"
          - runtask "script:roll_3"
          - runtask "script:roll_4"
          - runtask "script:roll_5"
          - runtask "script:roll_6"
          - runtask "script:roll_7"
          - runtask "script:roll_8"
          - runtask "script:roll_9"
          - runtask "script:roll_10"

  type: task
  script: #set 2
          - random 10
          - runtask "script:roll_11"
          - runtask "script:roll_12"
          - runtask "script:roll_13"
          - runtask "script:roll_14"
          - runtask "script:roll_15"
          - runtask "script:roll_16"
          - runtask "script:roll_17"
          - runtask "script:roll_18"
          - runtask "script:roll_19"
          - runtask "script:roll_20"

#set 1
  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (1)"
  - chat "I'm sorry. You are the weakest link"
  - wait 2
  - chat "Goodbye...."
  - wait 1
  - attack
  - wait 5
  - execute as_server "kill <>"
  - attack stop

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (2)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (3)"
  - wait 1
  - execute as_server "give <> 174 5"
  - wait 1
  - chat "As tight as this is packed, it should not melt anytime soon."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (4)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Hey what's that behind you, take a look."
  - wait 1
  - execute as_server "ci <>"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Well I just stole all your stuff...thanks and try again."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (5)"
  - wait 1
  - execute as_server "give <> 418 1"
  - wait 1
  - chat "This will look nice on your steed."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (6)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (7)"
  - wait 1
  - execute as_server "money give <> 1000"
  - execute as_server "money give nation-ar-selukk -1000"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sweet! 1000y that's 10 times your bet back."

  type: task
  - chat "you have rolled a (8)"
  - wait 1
  - execute as_server "give <> 264 3"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Booyah! 3 diamonds not bad at all."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (9)"
  - wait 1
  - execute as_server "give <> 43:8 4"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Solid like a rock, this will withstand the sandstorms."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (10)"
  - wait 1
  - execute as_server "ex give <> walljumper"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Let no wall stand in your way, just hope you can withstand the landing."

#set 2
  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (11)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (12)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (13)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (14)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (15)"
  - wait 1
  - execute as_server "money give <> 1000"
  - execute as_server "money give nation-ar-selukk -1000"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sweet! 1000y thats 10 times your bet back."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (16)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (17)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (18)"
  - wait 1
  - execute as_server "money give <> 1000"
  - execute as_server "money give nation-ar-selukk -1000"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sweet! 1000y thats 10 times your bet back."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (19)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."

  type: task
  - chat "You have rolled a (20)"
  - wait 1
  - chat "Sorry you didn't win anything, please try again."