Paste #29698: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/02/04 15:01:59 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: assignment
        on assignment:
        - trigger name:click state:true
        on click:
        - engage
        - if <player.item_in_hand.lore.contains[Take 64 Threats]> && <player.item_in_hand.qty> == 64 {
            - ^narrate "<&e>Dirty Guard <&f>to <&6><&o>you<&co> <&f>Ok fine! Stop threatening me! Here is your <a>Bribery Gem<&f>! Collect 8 of them and go see the <&e>Guard Captain!"
            - ^give gem
            - ^take ITEMINHAND qty:64
            else {
            - narrate "<&e>Dirty Guard <&f>to <&6><&o>you<&co> <&f>You don't have enough <&c>Threats <&f>to scare me at all! Ha!"
        - disengage

    type: item
    material: i@emerald
    display name: "<&a>B<&2>r<&a>i<&2>b<&a>e<&2>r<&a>y <&2>G<&a>e<&2>m"
    - "<&6>Take 8 Bribery Gems"
    - "<&6>to the <&d>Guard Captain"
    - "<&6>at <&b>/warp captain"