Paste #30414: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/02/15 15:34:05 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: item
    material: i@282
    display name: Root Vegetable Stew
    - A nourishing stew.
    - Heals a large amount,
    - unable to consume in quantity.
    - <&2>2 minutes of Full Belly.

    type: world
        on player right clicks with RootVegetableStew:
            - if !<player.has_flag[FullBellyCooldown]> {
                - ^take RootVegetableStew qty:1
                - heal 10
                - feed 5
                - narrate "Eating the Root Vegetable Stew healed you for 10."
                - playeffect <context.entity.location> sound:EAT quantity:100 data:1 offset:0
                - flag player FullBellyCooldown duration:2m
                } else {
                - narrate "You are too stuffed to eat that."