Paste #30850: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/02/27 06:29:35 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: command
  name: Coinflip
  usage: /coinflip [player] [amount]
  description: Flip a coin and bet your money on the outcome!
  tab complete:
  - determine <server.list_players.parse[name].filter[starts_with[<context.args.last||>]]>
  - define CoinFlipMoney <context.args.get[2]>
  - define CoinFlipEnemy <context.args.get[1]>
  - if <> < <def[CoinFlipMoney]> {
    - if <def[CoinFlipEnemy].money> < <def[CoinFlipMoney]> {
      - narrate "<&c>You dont have enough money to flip the coin!"
      - queue clear 
  - narrate "<&6>Sent Coinflip request to <&f><def[CoinFlipEnemy]> <&6>for $<def[CoinFlipMoney]>!"
  - narrate "<&a>They have 15 seconds to accept the coin flip by doing /coinflip accept"
  - narrate "<&6>Player <> wants to flip-a-coin with you for $<def[CoinFlipMoney]>" targets:p@<def[CoinFlipEnemy]>
  - narrate "<&7>Type /coinflip accept to accept the coinflip!" targets:p@<def[CoinFlipEnemy]>
  - flag <player> CoinFlip duration:15s
  - flag p@<def[CoinFlipEnemy]> CoinFlip duration:15s

  type: command
  name: CoinflipAccept
  usage: /coinflipaccept
  description: Accept the coin flip request
  - if <player.has_flag[CoinFlip]> {
    - narrate "<&6>Coin flip accepted! Flipping the coin in..."
    - wait 1s
    - narrate "<&7>3..."
    - wait 1s
    - narrate "<&7>2..."
    - wait 1s
    - narrate "<&7>1..."
    - wait 1s
  - narrate "<&7>You have no pending coin flip requests!"

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# LOL?