Paste #30958: Denizen Debug Logs From A Minecraft Server

Date: 2016/02/28 09:51:43 UTC-08:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_05
Up-time: 7h 6m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.10 (Build Unknown), CraftBukkit: 0.9.7-SNAPSHOT (build 480)
Active Plugins (11): PermissionsEx: 1.23.4, CleanroomGenerator: 1.0.0, PlotMe: 0.16.3, Buycraft: 6.8.2, 
WorldEdit: 5.6.3, Citizens: 2.0.16-SNAPSHOT (build 1262), Denizen: 0.9.7-SNAPSHOT (build 480), 
PlotMe-DefaultGenerator: 0.16.1, Multiverse-Core: 2.4-b527, Webizen: 0.2.0, 
Depenizen: 0.2.2 (build 266)
Loaded Worlds (10): world, world_nether, world_the_end, lobby, newlobby, plotworld, spawncontestworld, 
MMORPG, halloween, newplotworld
Online Players (2): #+ TheBlackCoyote(TheBlackCoyote), #[Headmod] DarknessFalls229(DarknessFalls229),
Offline Players: 580
Mode: offline

18:51:41 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_IncreasingUnitsTroy'... 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'EXCOMMAND_IncreasingUnitsTroy' Executing: NARRATE 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@TheBlackCoyote ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Adding definition %1% as theblackcoyote 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   IF "<def[1].exists.not>" "{" "-" "determine" "null" "}" 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@TheBlackCoyote ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[1].exists.not> with 'false'. 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   FOREACH "<bungee.list_servers>" "{" "-" "~bungeetag" 
                   "save:uuid" "-" "if" "<entry[uuid].result||null>" "!=" "null" 
                   "{" "-" "determine" "<entry[uuid].result>" "}" "}" 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FOREACH/p@TheBlackCoyote ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Filled tag <bungee.list_servers> with 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   BUNGEETAG "<server.match_offline_player[<def[1]>].uuid||null>" 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: BUNGEETAG/p@TheBlackCoyote ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'uuid'! 
18:51:41 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'PLAYER_UUID'! Woah! Invalid arguments were 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> [Denizen] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify a tag and a 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Usage: bungeetag [<tag>] [server:<server>] 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: BUNGEETAG 
18:51:41 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   IF "<entry[uuid].result||null>" "!=" "null" "{" "-" 
                   "determine" "<entry[uuid].result>" "}" 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@TheBlackCoyote ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[uuid].result||null> with 'null'. 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Logic='NEGATIVE', Comparable='Element(null)', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(null)' --> 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   FOREACH " CALLBACK" 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 2 ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   BUNGEETAG "<server.match_offline_player[<def[1]>].uuid||null>" 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: BUNGEETAG/p@TheBlackCoyote ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'uuid'! 
18:51:41 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'PLAYER_UUID'! Woah! Invalid arguments were 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> [Denizen] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify a tag and a 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Usage: bungeetag [<tag>] [server:<server>] 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: BUNGEETAG 
18:51:41 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   IF "<entry[uuid].result||null>" "!=" "null" "{" "-" 
                   "determine" "<entry[uuid].result>" "}" 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@TheBlackCoyote ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[uuid].result||null> with 'null'. 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Logic='NEGATIVE', Comparable='Element(null)', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(null)' --> 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   FOREACH " CALLBACK" 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 3 ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   BUNGEETAG "<server.match_offline_player[<def[1]>].uuid||null>" 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: BUNGEETAG/p@TheBlackCoyote ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'uuid'! 
18:51:41 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'PLAYER_UUID'! Woah! Invalid arguments were 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> [Denizen] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify a tag and a 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Usage: bungeetag [<tag>] [server:<server>] 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: BUNGEETAG 
18:51:41 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   IF "<entry[uuid].result||null>" "!=" "null" "{" "-" 
                   "determine" "<entry[uuid].result>" "}" 
18:51:41 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@TheBlackCoyote ---------+ 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[uuid].result||null> with 'null'. 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Logic='NEGATIVE', Comparable='Element(null)', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(null)' --> 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' Executing: 
                   FOREACH " CALLBACK" 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Completing queue 'PLAYER_UUID_DirectorsAlbaniaCertificates' 
                   in 7ms. 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Filled tag <proc[player_uuid].context[theblackcoyote]> with 
18:51:41 [INFO]  ERROR! Tag <proc[player_uuid].context[theblackcoyote]> is 
18:51:41 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': 
18:51:41 [INFO]  Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_IncreasingUnitsTroy' in 8ms.