Paste #31807: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/03/21 15:21:04 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# Add announcement?

    type: assignment
        on click:
        # check if the npc is busy, if not flag him (2 minute time out)
        - if <npc.has_flag[busy]> queue clear
        - flag <npc> busy duration:2m

        - if <player.has_flag[GuildRank]> && !<player.has_flag[DailyQuestAccess]> flag <player> DailyQuestAccess:1
        - choose <player.flag[DailyQuestAccess]||0>:
            # The player hasnt gained access to
            # the daily quests of the PVP guild.
            # We can decide the criteria later on.
            # Player must have flag DailyQuestAccess
            # set to 1 for access.
            - case 0:
                - narrate f:npcchat "Im sorry, you do not have access to the daily quests."
                - wait 1
                - narrate f:npcchat "You can speak to the Guild clerk to inquire about admission."
            # Player has access. NPC checks if
            # DQCurrent flag (which stores the
            # the daily quest being tracked) exists.
            - case 1:
                - narrate f:npcchat "Welcome to the Guild dispatch office <>."
                - wait 3
                - narrate f:npcchat "I gather reports from all of our outposts around Dreadcraft and send Guild members out to keep the world safe."
                - wait 5
                - narrate f:npcchat "You can report back here once a day to be given a task."
                - wait 5
                - narrate f:npcchat "We take this very seriously and pay accordingly. You will be compensated with a wide range of rewards for your participation."
                - wait 5
                - narrate f:npcchat "Let me know when you'd like to get started."
                - flag <player> DailyQuestAccess:2
            - case 2:
                - if <player.has_flag[DQCurrent]> && <player.has_flag[DQCooldown]> flag <player> DQCurrent:!
                - if <player.has_flag[DQCurrent].not> {
                  # No daily quest active. Check if the player is ready
                  # for a new quest. If not, tell them how long.
                  # DQCooldown will be active for 12 hours after a
                  # quest is completed.
                  - if <player.has_flag[DQCooldown].not> {
                  # Player does not have the flag, give them a new quest
                  # First do a random intro
                  - inject s@randomintro
                  # Search list of server scripts, find scripts starting with DQ_,
                  # randomly set one as the players DQCurrent flag.
                  - flag <player> DQCurrent:<server.list_scripts.filter[starts_with[s@DQ_]].random>
                    } else {
                    - narrate f:npcchat "We currently have members out handling all of today's issues."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate f:npcchat "Check back tomorrow for an update."
                    - queue clear
                  # Inject in the quest chosen, switching control
                  # to seperate script.
                - inject <player.flag[DQCurrent]>
                #- announce "<light_purple><> has started a daily quest for the PVP Guild!"
        - flag <npc> busy:!
    type: task
        - choose <[1].to[1]>
        - narrate f:npcchat "Welcome back recruit."
        - wait 3
        - narrate f:npcchat "Let me check today's reports..."
        - wait 1
        - equip <npc> hand:i@340
        - wait 3
        - narrate f:npcchat "Hmmm..."
        - wait 4
        - equip <npc> hand:i@0