Paste #3235: squidstuff

Date: 2014/04/06 13:23:46 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: task
  - ^chat "woah whats that off the starboard side!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@155>

  - ^chat "whats going on here!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@153>

  - ^chat "sir there is something attacking our other ship! what shall we do?!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@154>

  - ^chat "We shall first see what happens. we cannot attack till we know if this is really a threat." targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@153>

  - ^chat "that is a giant squid! <> get us out of here!!!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@155>

  - ^chat "NO We must attack!!! <> bring us up to thier ship within cannon range!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@153>

  - wait 10

  - ^chat "sir they are going too fast i cant catch up!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@155>

  - ^chat "Sir their mainsail! its snapped!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@155>

  - ^chat "We must kill that monster!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@153>

  - ^chat "Sir we lost our other ship!! it is sinking!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@155>

  - ^chat "Sir with all due respect we must leave this area at once! that thing could come after us!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@156>

  - ^chat "We cannot leave till we get our supplies from that ship!!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@153>

  - ^chat "Our supplies will be lost if we dont get out of here!!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@156>

  - ^chat "OHH NO!!! port side! here he comes!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@155>

  - ^chat "BATTLESTATIONS EVERYONE!!!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@153>

  - ^chat "<player> get to the cannonroom and command those men to fire the cannons!" targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players.random> talkers:<n@153>

  - ^chat "attack the arms kill off those tentacles! it might buy us some time." targets:<cu@l@squidkiller1|l@squidkiller2.list_players> talkers:<n@153>