Paste #32553: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/04/11 20:32:04 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    - inject locally loadYaml
    - foreach '<server.list_flags[dRegions]>' {
      - flag server '%value%:!'
    - define flags '<server.list_scripts.filter[starts_with[s@dRegions_Flag_]].parse[name.after[dRegions_Flag_].to_lowercase].alphanumeric||li@>'
    - flag server 'dRegions.Flags:|:%flags%'
    - foreach '%flags%' {
      - flag server 'dRegions.EventMap.<s@dRegions_Flag_%value%.yaml_key[event_hook]>:->:<s@dRegions_Flag_%value%.yaml_key[event_priority]>/%value%'
    - foreach '<server.list_flags[dRegions.EventMap.]>' {
      - define e '<server.flag[%value%]>'
      - flag server '%value%:!'
      - flag server '%value%:|:<def[e].alphanumeric.parse[after[/]]>'
    - if <queue.exists[dRegions_saveCache]> {
      - queue q@dRegions_saveCache stop
    - run locally saveCache delay:5s id:dRegions_saveCache

  type: world
  speed: 0
  debug: false
    on entity targets player:
    # %player% is the variable used in abstract methods to refrence the player object.
    - define player '<>'
    # %world% is the variable used in abstract methods to refrence world in which the event took place.
    - define world '<>'
    # %object% is the variable used in abstract methods to refrence the object the player is interacting with.
    - define object '<c.entity>'
    # %target% is a generic variable used in abstract methods that applies to the TYPE of object in question.
    - define target '<c.entity.entity_type>'
    # EventHooks are parsed and prioritized on server start so all that's needed here is to get the list of flags and run them.
    - define eventHooks 'li@ENTITY_Target_Player'
    - define flags '<server.flag[dRegions.EventMap.Entity_Target_Player].as_list>'
    - foreach %flags% {
      - define flag '%value%'
      - inject 's@dRegions_Flags_Processor' 'p:<s@dRegions_Flag_%flag%.yaml_key[flag_type]>'


  type: task
  speed: 0
  debug: false

# Region flag pre-processors
    # This is a rate limiter implemented BEFORE caching. The idea here is that if the player and target are in
    # the same region (even Global) we can safely expect that the values will be consistent (because we clear
    # rateLimit values on region enter/exit). Normal processing will follow if the rateLimit value is stale.
    - if '<def[object].location.cuboids||null>' != '<def[player].location.cuboids||null>' {
      - define sameRegion 'false'
      - goto '<t[<def[player].location.cuboids.is_empty>]:GLOBAL||REGION>'
    - goto 'g<def[player].flag[dRegions.rateLimit.%flag%.%target%]||a>'
    - mark 'ga'
    - define sameRegion 'true'
    - goto '<t[<def[player].location.cuboids.is_empty>]:GLOBAL||REGION>'

    # Global Event Handler. Cache values can be null, true, or false. If the cache value
    # is null, then we need to send to the flag script for processing. If the cache value
    # is false then we cancel the event and send to flag script for cleanup. If the cache
    # value is true then the event is allowed to pass. Cache values are cleared on server
    # restart, and when regions are modified.
    - mark 'GLOBAL'
    - goto 'g<def[player].flag[dRegions.cache.%world%.__global__.%flag%.%target%]||null>'

    - mark 'gnull'
    - define thisRegion '__global__'
    - define flagObj '<proc[dRegions_GetInheritedFlag].context[%world%|__global__|%flag%]>'
    - define targetList '<proc[dRegions_GetInheritedFlag].context[%world%|__global__|<s@dRegions_Flag_%value%.yaml_key[flag_targetList]||null>].replace[, ].with[|].as_list>'
    - goto 'g<def[flagObj].before[/]>'
    - mark 'gallow'
    - goto 'g<proc[dRegions_PlayerMatchRegionGroup].context[<def[flagObj].after[/]||all>|__global__|%world%|%player%].not.or[<def[targetList].contains_any[none|all|%target%].not>]>'
    - mark 'gdeny'
    - goto 'g<proc[dRegions_PlayerMatchRegionGroup].context[<def[flagObj].after[/]||all>|__global__|%world%|%player%].and[<def[targetList].contains_any[none|all|%target%]>]>'
    - mark 'gnone'
    - goto 'gtrue'

    - mark 'gfalse'
    - inject 's@dRegions_Flag_%flag%' 'p:event-cancelled'
    - determine cancelled

    - mark 'gtrue'
    - inject 's@dRegions_Flag_%flag%' 'p:event-allowed'
    - foreach next
    - queue clear

    # Region Event Handler. Builds region list and runs flag scripts in priority order.
    - mark 'REGION'
    - define regionPri 'li@'
    - foreach '<def[player].location.cuboids.parse[notable_name].filter[starts_with[dRegions_]].parse[after[dregions_%world%_]]>|__global__' {
      - define regionPri '%regionPri%<yaml[dRegions_%world%_regions].read[regions.%value%.priority]||0>/%value%|'
    - define orderedRegions '<def[regionPri].alphanumeric.reverse.parse[after[/]]>'