Paste #32774: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/04/16 07:53:58 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
        on player joins:
            - if <player.in_group[Compete].global> {
              - if <player.flag[COMPETING_NOW_0003]> {
                - queue clear
              - flag <player> COMPETING_NOW_0003
              - execute as_op "compadd"
            - wait 5
            - narrate "Competition system is being worked on right now by Axe. Please standby while he finishes up."

        on compopen command:
            - determine passively fulfilled
            - narrate "opening"
            - ~sql id:ADDPLAYERTOCOMPLIST username:mineassa_axepex password:vvvvvvvv

        on compcreate command:
            - determine passively fulfilled
            - narrate "making table"
            - ~sql id:ADDPLAYERTOCOMPLIST username:mineassa_axepex password:vvvvvvvv
            - sql id:ADDPLAYERTOCOMPLIST "update:CREATE table Details(prize1 int,prize2 int,prize3 int);" 
            - sql disconnect id:ADDPLAYERTOCOMPLIST

        on compadd command:
            - determine passively fulfilled
            - narrate "trying to add"
            - ~sql id:ADDPLAYERTOCOMPLIST username:mineassa_axepex password:vvvvvvvv
            - sql id:ADDPLAYERTOCOMPLIST "update:INSERT INTO Details VALUES ('5', '3', '2');" 
            - sql disconnect id:ADDPLAYERTOCOMPLIST

        on compclose command:
            - determine passively fulfilled
            - narrate "closing"
            - sql disconnect id:ADDPLAYERTOCOMPLIST

        on compcreate2 command:
            - determine passively fulfilled
            - narrate "making table"
            - ~sql id:stattrack username:mineassa_axepex password:vvvvvvvv
            - sql id:stattrack "update:CREATE table Stats(Name varchar(255),Score varchar(255));" 
            - sql disconnect id:stattrack

        on compadd2 command:
            - determine passively fulfilled
            - narrate "trying to add"
            - ~sql id:stat<> username:mineassa_axepex password:vvvvvvvv
            - sql id:stat<> "update:INSERT INTO Stats VALUES ('<>', '1');" 
            - sql disconnect id:stat<>

        on compadd3 command:
            - determine passively fulfilled
            - narrate "trying to add"
            - ~sql id:stat<> username:mineassa_axepex password:vvvvvvvv
            - sql id:stat<> "update:UPDATE Stats SET Name='<>',Score='<player.flag[COMP_Counting04]>';" 
            - sql disconnect id:stat<>

        on player breaks gold_ore:
            - if !<player.has_flag[COMP_STARTED_Counting04]> {
              - flag <player> COMP_STARTED_Counting04
              - flag <player> COMP_Counting04:1 
              - define Player_Score '<player.flag[COMP_Counting04]>' 
              - wait 1
              - execute as_player "compadd2"
              - queue clear              
            - flag <player> COMP_Counting04:++
            - narrate "<player.flag[COMP_Counting04]>"
            - if !<player.has_flag[synccooling]> {
              - flag <player> synccooling duration:1
              - execute as_player "compadd3"

        on player places gold_ore:
            - if !<player.has_flag[COMP_STARTED_Counting04]> {
              - flag <player> COMP_STARTED_Counting04
              - flag <player> COMP_Counting04:0
              - define Player_Score '<player.flag[COMP_Counting04]>' 
              - queue clear

            - flag <player> COMP_Counting04:--
            - narrate "<player.flag[COMP_Counting04]>"