Paste #33077: Denizen Debug Logs From 2k!!!!!!!!!!r4 <<<<f@ TE ITIr f@r4>>>> 2k!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 2016/04/27 02:59:44 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_77
Up-time: 10h 42m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-1480adb-8b61cc5 (MC: 1.9.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.10 (Build ${build.number}), CraftBukkit: 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT (build 570)
Active Plugins (11): AsyncWorldEditInjector: 2.2.2, WorldEdit: 6.1;no_git_id, AsyncWorldEdit: 2.2.2, 
IPWhitelist: 1.7, Vault: 1.5.6-b49, Essentials: 2.0.1-b330, WorldGuard: 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT, 
Citizens: 2.0.17-SNAPSHOT (build 1357), PowerfulPerms: 3.0.3, Denizen: 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT (build 570), 
CommandNPC: 1.7.2
Loaded Worlds (3): tehanga, tehanga_nether, tehanga_the_end
Online Players (1): WhetuPAITAI(WhetuPAITAI)
Offline Players: 3
Mode: offline

21:59:17 [INFO] +- Parsing PROXIMITY trigger: n@Hine/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate'... 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: CHOOSE 
21:59:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHOOSE/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.flag[mahi_1].get[1]> with '7'. 
21:59:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHOOSE': choice='7' 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: PAUSE 
21:59:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: PAUSE/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: SPAWN 
                   "e@armor_stand[visible=false]" "<player.location>" "save:play" 
21:59:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: SPAWN/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:17 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'play'! 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.location> with 
21:59:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'SPAWN': 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: FLAG 
                   "<player>" "cam_entity:<entry[play].spawned_entities.get[1]>" 
21:59:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[play].spawned_entities.get[1]> with 
21:59:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='CAM_ENTITY'  
21:59:17 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: LOOK 
                   "<entry[play].spawned_entities.get[1]>" "<npc.eye_location>" 
21:59:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: LOOK/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[play].spawned_entities.get[1]> with 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.eye_location> with 
21:59:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'LOOK': 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: INVISIBLE 
                   "<entry[play].spawned_entities.get[1]>" "state:true" 
21:59:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: INVISIBLE/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[play].spawned_entities.get[1]> with 
21:59:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'INVISIBLE': state='true'  
21:59:17 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: ADJUST 
                   "<player>" "spectate:<entry[play].spawned_entities.get[1]>" 
21:59:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ADJUST/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[play].spawned_entities.get[1]> with 
21:59:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: NARRATE 
                   "<green>Hine:<aqua> Kia ora e hoa!" 
21:59:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
21:59:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <aqua> with ''. 
21:59:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='Hine: Kia ora e hoa!'  
21:59:17 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: WAIT "1s" 
21:59:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WAIT/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'WAIT': queue='HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate'  
21:59:18 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: NARRATE 
                   "<green>Hine:<aqua> Kei te tunu ahau he kai reka mahau." 
21:59:18 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:18 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
21:59:18 [INFO]  Filled tag <aqua> with ''. 
21:59:18 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='Hine: Kei te tunu ahau he 
                   kai reka mahau.'  Targets='[p@WhetuPAITAI]' 
21:59:18 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: WAIT "1s" 
21:59:18 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WAIT/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:18 [INFO] +> Executing 'WAIT': queue='HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate'  
21:59:19 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: NARRATE 
                   "<green>Hine:<aqua> Hei mihi tenei mo ou mahi!." 
21:59:19 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:19 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
21:59:19 [INFO]  Filled tag <aqua> with ''. 
21:59:19 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='Hine: Hei mihi tenei mo ou 
                   mahi!.'  Targets='[p@WhetuPAITAI]' 
21:59:19 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: WAIT "1s" 
21:59:19 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WAIT/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:19 [INFO] +> Executing 'WAIT': queue='HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate'  
21:59:21 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: CREATE 
                   "player" "Hine" "<npc.location>" "save:punpc1" 
21:59:21 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CREATE/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:21 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'punpc1'! 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.location> with 
21:59:21 [INFO] +> Executing 'CREATE': name='Hine'  entity_type='e@player'  
21:59:21 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: ADJUST 
                   "<player>" "hide_entity:<npc>" 
21:59:21 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ADJUST/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@70'. 
21:59:21 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': 
                   mechanism='hide_entity'  mechanism_value='n@70' 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: ADJUST 
21:59:21 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ADJUST/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   with 'li@'. 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[punpc1].created_npc> with 'n@74'. 
21:59:21 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': object='li@'  mechanism='hide_entity'  
21:59:21 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: RUN 
                   "te_ara_npc2" "npc:<entry[punpc1].created_npc>" "def:<^npc>" 
21:59:21 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@70'. 
21:59:21 [INFO]  ...replacing the linked NPC with <entry[punpc1].created_npc> 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[punpc1].created_npc> with 'n@74'. 
21:59:21 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='TE_ARA_NPC2(TASK)'  
21:59:21 [INFO]  Adding definition %masternpc% as n@70 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia'... 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: WALK 
                   "<def[masternpc].anchor[spot6]>" "speed:0.8" 
21:59:21 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WALK/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[masternpc].anchor[spot6]> with 
21:59:21 [INFO] +> Executing 'WALK': 
                    speed='0.8'  stop='false'  entities='[n@74]' 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' Executing: ZAP "2" 
21:59:21 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ZAP/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:21 [INFO] +> Executing 'ZAP': Player='p@WhetuPAITAI'  
                   script='HINE_MAHI1(INTERACT)'  step='2' 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Completing queue 'HINE_MAHI1_OffersWageConcentrate' in 
21:59:21 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: WAIT 
21:59:21 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WAIT/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:21 [INFO] +> Executing 'WAIT': 
                   queue='TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia'  delay='d@1.0s' 
21:59:22 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: WALK 
                   "<def[masternpc].anchor[spot7]>" "speed:0.8" 
21:59:22 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WALK/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:22 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[masternpc].anchor[spot7]> with 
21:59:22 [INFO] +> Executing 'WALK': 
                    speed='0.8'  stop='false'  entities='[n@74]' 
21:59:25 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: WAIT 
21:59:25 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WAIT/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:25 [INFO] +> Executing 'WAIT': 
                   queue='TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia'  delay='d@1.0s' 
21:59:27 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: WALK 
                   "<def[masternpc].anchor[spot8]>" "speed:0.8" 
21:59:27 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WALK/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:27 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[masternpc].anchor[spot8]> with 
21:59:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'WALK': 
                    speed='0.8'  stop='false'  entities='[n@74]' 
21:59:29 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: WAIT 
21:59:29 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WAIT/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:29 [INFO] +> Executing 'WAIT': 
                   queue='TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia'  delay='d@1.0s' 
21:59:31 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: WALK 
21:59:31 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WALK/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:31 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[masternpc]> with 'n@70'. 
21:59:31 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   with 'l@77.5,76.0,-45.5,tehanga'. 
21:59:31 [INFO] +> Executing 'WALK': location='l@77.5,76.0,-45.5,tehanga'  
                   speed='0.8'  stop='false'  entities='[n@70]' 
21:59:31 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: REMOVE 
21:59:31 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: REMOVE/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:31 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@74'. 
21:59:31 [INFO] +> Executing 'REMOVE': entities='[n@74]' 
21:59:32 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: ADJUST 
                   "<player>" "show_entity:<def[masternpc]>" 
21:59:32 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ADJUST/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
21:59:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[masternpc]> with 'n@70'. 
21:59:32 [INFO] +> Executing 'ADJUST': 
                   mechanism='show_entity'  mechanism_value='n@70' 
21:59:32 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: FLAG 
                   "player" "mahi_1:8" 
21:59:32 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:32 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='MAHI_1'  
                   Action/Value='SET_VALUE(8)'  flag_target='p@WhetuPAITAI' 
21:59:32 [INFO]  Queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' Executing: ZAP "1" 
21:59:32 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ZAP/p@WhetuPAITAI ---------+ 
21:59:32 [INFO] +> Executing 'ZAP': flag_target='p@WhetuPAITAI'  
                   script='MAHI_1_KORO1(INTERACT)'  step='1' 
21:59:32 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'TE_ARA_NPC2'! Zapping to own current step! 
21:59:32 [INFO]  Completing queue 'TE_ARA_NPC2_LycosProtectCalifornia' in 