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Date: 2016/06/10 19:58:43 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# Kill the Bats
# This will ask the player to kill a few bats and will reward them for doing so.
# It uses the "listen" command to determine whether the player has killed
# any bats, but unfortunately doesn't allow control over WHERE the bats have been killed.
# The quest repeat timeout constant value below will control how often the 
# player can repeat the quest. It's on 24 hours currently.
# NOTE: This requires an economy to deal with 'money' as a method of reward.
# @author mythanical
# @script version 0.9
# @denizen v0.85+
# @last-updated Feb 23 2013
# @irc EsperNet IRC Network #denizen-dev
# @Minecraft Server -

"Bat Killer":
    type: assignment

    default constants:

        # Number of bats that must be killed for quest to be completed
        BatsQty: 10
        # The reward (money) for killing the bats
        RewardAmount: 20
        # The time in between each repeat of the quest (currently set at 24 hours)
        Quest Repeat Timeout: 86400
        # Reset all quest progress (this is in case quest gets stuck if 'kill listener' stops 'listening'
        Quest Reset Timeout: 86400
        # Name of your town, used in some dialog options.
        Townname: 'Spawn'

    interact scripts:
    - 10 Killing the Bats

        on assignment:
        - trigger name:chat toggle:true radius:3
        - trigger name:click toggle:true
        - trigger name:proximity toggle:true radius:3
        - trigger name:damage toggle:true
        # Make the NPC so they can be killed by the player. They will respawn a few seconds later.
        - execute as_npc "npc sel <>"
        - execute as_npc "trait health"
        - execute as_npc "npc vulnerable"

        # When a player kills the NPC, narrate something. On my server, I run another script instead that 
        # changes the alignment of the player for commiting such a heinous act.
        on death by player:
        - narrate "<red>You have killed <yellow><><red>. Are you pleased with yourself?"

"Killing the Bats":
    type: interact

            proximity trigger:
                    # On player entering proximity range, run a script (located further down).
                        - ^random {
                         - ^chat "And then he said 'She ate the rat!'. Hahahaha.. oh, sorry. Didn't see you there <>."
                         - ^chat "These sewers.. they get to you. Voices, chills..there are more than bats down here."
                         - ^chat "Some days I hate my job, but then I say 'No <>, you love your job' and then I love it again."
                         - ^chat "Rats, bats, cats and giant gnats. I kill them all.. it's great because I get paid to hunt for my own food!"
                         - ^chat "The smell in these sewers will get into your clothes. Remember to put your clothes in a bucket of water for 3 days, then wash it with soap."
                         - ^chat "Stay down here long enough, the sewers grow on you. Much like the moss on these bricks.."
                         - ^chat "Another day in the sewers..or night, I don't know anymore. Are you here to help?" }

            click trigger:
                # On clicking, run a slightly different script to check requirements before starting quest.
                - ^run "script:Batkiller Quest Requirement"

            damage trigger:
                # When you hit the NPC, it will run the script called Warning (further below).
                - ^run "script:Warning"

            chat trigger:
                'Start Questline':
                    Trigger: /Yes/, I am interested. I'll start now.
                    # If the player answer 'yes', this will set the quest flag to started and also start 'listening' for the player
                    # killing bats and once the player killed the number of bats specified at the top of the script, it will run
                    # the 'Batkiller Quest Completed' script.
                    - engage now
                    - flag player "BatKiller:Started" "duration:<cons:Quest Reset Timeout>"
                    - listen kill "id:Batkiller Listener" type:entity qty:<cons:BatsQty> target:bat "script:Batkiller Quest Completed"
                    - chat "Great! come back to me once you've killed <red><cons:BatsQty><green> bats."
                    - narrate "<red> Exterminate Bats - Quest Started"
                    - disengage
                'Deny Questline':
                    Trigger: /No/, I am not interested.
                    # If the player says 'no', then display one of the following 3 messages and put them back at Step 1 for 'Killing
                    # the Bats' script.
                    - random 3
                    - chat "Oh ok, don't come crying to me if the noise these bast..I mean bats make wake you up at night."
                    - chat "That is really unfortunate, but OK. Come back to me when you change your mind."
                    - chat "It would've been a great help if you could get rid of these plagued bats. Please come back later."
                    - ^zap 1 "script:Killing the Bats"

            proximity trigger:
                    # If they exit the proximity trigger for the NPC, put them back at Step 1 so they get presented with the
                    # relevant options when they come back later.
                    - ^zap 1 "script:Killing the Bats"

            click trigger:
                # This is simply to present the options again if the player accidently clicks the NPC rather than type a response.
                - ^run "script:Batkiller Quest Requirement"

            damage trigger:
                - ^run "script:Warning"

"Batkiller Check Requirements":
    type: task

    # The following options exist here
    # 1) If the player is holding a sword in their hand, the NPC will run the 'Deny Interaction' script until the player put
    #    their weapon away.
    # 2) The next if statement checks to see if the quest has been flagged as 'Started', if so tell them to come back when all the bats
    #    have been killed.
    # 3) Otherwise if the flag is set to 'ClaimReward', tell the player to come get the reward.
    # 4) Lastly, if none of the 'if' statements are met, simply present them with the general chat dialog.
    - if 267|268|272|276 contains <> run "script:Deny Interaction"
      else if "<flag.p:BatKiller>" == "Started" chat "Hi <>, please come back to me when you've killed all <red><cons:BatsQty><green> bats!"
      else if "<flag.p:BatKiller>" == "ClaimReward" chat "<>, come over here! Come get your <gold>reward<green> for killing those pesky bats!"
      else if "<flag.p:BatKiller>" == "Claimed" chat "Thanks for your help <>, please come back in <red><player.flag[BatKiller].expiration.formatted><green> to help me again."
      else run "script:Batkiller General Chat"

"Batkiller General Chat":
    type: task

    # These are the general chats that come up when the player walks into proximity range.
    - ^random {
     - ^chat "And then he said 'She ate the rat!'. Hahahaha.. oh, sorry. Didn't see you there <>."
     - ^chat "These sewers.. they get to you. Voices, chills..there are more than bats down here."
     - ^chat "Some days I hate my job, but then I say 'No <>, you love your job' and then I love it again."
     - ^chat "Rats, bats, cats and giant gnats. I kill them all.. it's great because I get paid to hunt for my own food!"
     - ^chat "The smell in these sewers will get into your clothes. Remember to put your clothes in a bucket of water for 3 days, then wash it with soap."
     - ^chat "Stay down here long enough, the sewers grow on you. Much like the moss on these bricks.."
     - ^chat "Another day in the sewers..or night, I don't know anymore. Are you here to help?" }

    type: task

    # When you hit (damage) the NPC, they will respond with one of the following 5 lines.
    - ^random 5
    - chat "<red>Oucch! <green>Why would you do that? If I die, you WILL regret it!"
    - chat "<red>Aaarrggg! <green>What did I ever do to you? Don't hit me again!"
    - chat "<red>Wha..why are you hurting me? <green>Oh, these cuts..they hurt so much."
    - chat "<red>Please don't hurt me! <green>I have never done anything bad to you!"
    - chat "<red>Owwee! <green>Don't do something now that you will regret later.."

"Deny Interaction":
    type: task

    # If the player has a weapon, the NPC will say one of the following things.
    - ^random 5
    - ^chat "Oh, why do you come to me armed? Please put away your weapon first."
    - ^chat "Is that a..weapon in your hand? Please don't hurt me! You might regret it."
    - ^chat "<cons:Townname> is a friendly town, please put your weapon away!"
    - ^chat "It's courtesy to put your weapon away while talking to people in <cons:Townname>."
    - ^chat "Why is a weapon necessary here? Are we engaging in some kind of fight?"

"Batkiller Quest Requirement":
    type: task

    # This part is for when the player clicks the NPC. The options that exist are the same as the
    # check requirements above except this time if the BatKiller flag is on 'ClaimReward', it will run the 'Batkiller Quest
    # Completed Reward' script further below.
    - if 267|268|272|276 contains <> runtask "script:Deny Interaction"
      else if "<player.flag[BatKiller]>" == "Started" chat "Hi <>, please come back to me when you've killed all <red><cons:BatsQty><green> bats!"
      else if "<player.flag[BatKiller]>" == "Claimed" chat "Thanks for your help <>, please come back in <red><player.flag[BatKiller].expiration.formatted><green> to help me again."
      else if "<player.flag[BatKiller]>" == "ClaimReward" inject "script:Batkiller Quest Completed Reward"
      else run "script:Batkiller Present Quest"

"Batkiller Present Quest":
    type: task

    # This part presents the player with the quest, giving them some details via random dialog options
    # and then asks them to answer 'yes' or 'no' before 'zapping' them to Step 2 in the script 'Killing the Bats'
    # where it's waiting for the player to type something.
    - random 5
    - ^chat "Hello there <>! Can you please help me get rid of these darn bats?"
    - ^chat "Oh hey <>, there are some nasty bats in these sewers. Will you go kill some for me?"
    - ^chat "Bats... bats everywhere! Their squeaky high-pitched noises driving me nuts. Kill some for me?"
    - ^chat "These bats carry the plague! We need to exterminate them. Will you help me?"
    - ^chat "Feel like slicing and dicing some bats? Grab yourself a sword and pretend you are a fruit ninja!"
    - random 3
    - ^chat "I will pay you <gold><cons:RewardAmount><green> dollars if you kill <red><cons:BatsQty><green> bats for me."
    - ^chat "How does <gold><cons:RewardAmount><green> dollars for <red><cons:BatsQty><green> bats sound to you?"
    - ^chat "The reward for killing <red><cons:BatsQty><green> bats is <gold><cons:RewardAmount><green> dollars. Interested?"
    - ^narrate "<red>Say:"
    - ^narrate "  <blue>YES<blue> <gray>or<red> No"
    - ^zap 2 "script:Killing the Bats"

"Batkiller Quest Completed":
    type: task

    # When the 'listen' command detects the necessary quantity of bats killed, it will run this scripts and also
    # update the flag to 'ClaimReward' which the NPC will check to decide if the user should be rewarded.
    - narrate "<red>Exterminate Bats - Quest Completed. Return to NPC to claim your reward."
    - ^flag player "BatKiller:ClaimReward"

"Batkiller Quest Completed Reward":
    type: task

    # This is the part where the flag expiry duration is determined from the constant value you set at the top of the script. After that
    # time, the flag expires and the quest can be done again. In this section the player is also rewarded (money) by the quantity specified
    # above.
    - ^flag player "BatKiller:Claimed" "duration:<cons:Quest Repeat Timeout>"
    - random 3
    - ^chat "Haha, good job <>, you got those bats good! You can come back and help me again tomorrow."
    - ^chat "Well done <>, that will teach those pesky bats! You can come back and help me again tomorrow."
    - ^chat "Fantastic <>, but they will be back again tomorrow. Please come help me again and I'll pay you for the service."
    - GIVE MONEY qty:<cons:RewardAmount>
    - narrate "<red><> pays you <gold><cons:RewardAmount><red> dollars."