Paste #34290: This also works with only new items, not worn

Date: 2016/06/16 13:26:58 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: task
    debug: false
        - foreach <server.list_online_players>:

            - flag global ActivityTools:li@iron_hoe|prisonhoe

            - run take_imperfect def:<def[value]>|iron_hoe|64 instantly
            #- run take_imperfect def:<def[value]>|prisonhoe|64 instantly
            #- run take_imperfect def:<def[value]>|325:0|64 instantly
            #- run take_imperfect def:<def[value]>|326:0|64 instantly

    type: task
    debug: false
    definitions: myPlayer|myItem|myQty
        # this is a common task to remove items that have some wear on them (find_imperfect)
        # (currently only working with new tools)

        - narrate "Removing Activity Tools..."
        - if <def[myPlayer].inventory.contains_any[<server.flag[ActivityTools]>]> {
            - narrate true
            } else {
            - narrate false