npctest: type: assignment actions: on assignment: - trigger name:click state:true - trigger name:proximity state:true radius:3 interact scripts: - 1 npctestinteract npctestinteract: type: interact steps: 1: proximity trigger: entry: script: - random { - narrate "<&a>Leib<&co> <&b>Hi ." - narrate "<&a>Leib<&co> <&b>Hello ." - narrate "<&a>Leib<&co> <&b>Hey there . - narrate "<&a>Leib<&co> <&b>Hola ." - narrate "<&a>Leib<&co> <&b>You got the pointless message " } click trigger: script: - narrate "<&a>Leib<&co> <&b>Say "test" if you want to listen to a tutorial." chat trigger: 1: trigger: /test/ script: - narrate "<&a>Leib<&co> <&b>Click me again to start the tutorial." - wait 15t - narrate "<&a>Leib<&co> <&b>Say "exit" anytime you want to leave the tutorial" - zap 2 2: click trigger: script: - if matches true { - execute as_op fly } - execute as_op "speed walk 0 " chat trigger: 1: trigger: /exit/ script: - execute as_op "speed walk 1 " - narrate "<&a>Leib<&co> <&b>Hope to see you around ."