Paste #35375: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/08/14 07:31:15 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# Let us go back to the first world script we made, the one with the Armorstand.

  type: world                                                                      ## World scripts trigger only when the event happens.
    on player right clicks at ARMOR_STAND:                                         ## In this case the event triggers when a player right click ANY Armorstand.
    - if <context.entity> == e@141d286a-d697-4932-9441-a0232191b4c4 {              ## Only after that we check if the Armorstand id is the right one.
      - if <player.flag[DwarfMithrilOre]> == 1 {                                   ## In the IF we have <context.entity> this is called a tag.
        - narrate "<&o>I can't carry anymore."                                     ## This specific tag is equal to the Armorstands id which is different for reach Armorstand.
        - wait 1
        } else {
        - ^narrate "<&o>You gather some Mithril Ore."
        - ^give i@MithrilOre qty:1
        - ^flag player DwarfMithrilOre:1

DwarfPie:                                   ## Remember, we made this item before but now we need a world script to make it give health when consumed.
  type: item
  material: pumpkin_pie
  display name: <&6><&l>Dwarven Pie
  - <&8>Consumable
  - <&7><&o>Strong alcoholic pie,
  - <&7><&o>likely to render drunk.
  - <&f>
  - <&2>Use: <&a>Restores 25 Health.

  type: world
    on player right clicks with i@DwarfPie:             ## This is another event, it triggers when you right click with the specific custom item
    - determine passively cancelled                     ## All this line does is CANCEL the right click (so you don't accidently place the item or eat it)
    - ^take i@DwarfPie qty:1                            ## Now we instantly (note the ^) take the pie from the player's inventory.
    - ^heal 25 <context.player>                         ## After that we heal the player, this is called a command (like the give/take).
    - ^narrate "You restore 25 Health."                 ## Little text message to tell you what happened.
    - ^cast CONFUSION power:10 duration:20s             ## Another command, it casts the Confusion effect on the player.

  type: item
  material: cauldron_item
  display name: <&6><&l>Jetpack
  - <&9>Epic
  - <&7><&o>This generates a vertical thrust
  - <&7><&o>by a downward discharge of steam,
  - <&7><&o>thereby rocketing the player in the air.
  - <&f>
  - <&2>Use: <&a>Consumes one Charcoal.
  - <&2>Use: <&a>Rockets the player in the air.                                                 ## A little harder one, first me make the item.

  type: world
    on player right clicks with i@DwarfJetPack:                                                                             ## We use the same event as before, right click with a specific item.
    - ^determine cancelled passively                                                                                        ## Cancel the click, otherwise the player might accidenly place his JetPack on the ground.
    - if <> == w@survival || <> == w@survival_the_end || <> == w@survival_nether {      ## Now we check whether the player is in survival or (||) in the end or the nether.
      - if <player.flag[cooldownJetPackMaze]> == true {                                                                     ## We check whether the item is on cooldown or not.
        - narrate "<player.flag[cooldownJetPackMaze].expiration.formatted> cooldown remaining."                             ## Narrate the flag duration that is still remaining.
        } else {
        - if "<player.inventory.contains[Charcoal].qty[1]>" {                                                               ## If it is not on cooldown then we check if the player has Charcoal.
          - ^take charcoal from:<player.inventory> qty:1                                                                    ## If they have Charcoal we continue with a chain of commands.
          - ^playeffect <player.location> effect:cloud qty:25                                                               ## We create particles, shoot the player up a little and wait 0.2s to repeat it all.
          - shoot <player> destination:<player.location.add[0,12,0]> speed:0.5 height:0.5 no_rotate
          - wait 0.2s
          - ^playeffect <player.location> effect:cloud qty:25
          - shoot <player> destination:<player.location.add[0,12,0]> speed:0.5 height:0.5 no_rotate
          - wait 0.2s
          - ^playeffect <player.location> effect:cloud qty:25
          - shoot <player> destination:<player.location.add[0,12,0]> speed:0.5 height:0.5 no_rotate
          - wait 0.2s
          - ^playeffect <player.location> effect:cloud qty:25
          - shoot <player> destination:<player.location.add[0,12,0]> speed:0.5 height:0.5 no_rotate
          - wait 0.2s
          - ^playeffect <player.location> effect:cloud qty:25
          - shoot <player> destination:<player.location.add[0,12,0]> speed:0.5 height:0.5 no_rotate
          - wait 0.2s
          - ^playeffect <player.location> effect:cloud qty:25
          - shoot <player> destination:<player.location.add[0,12,0]> speed:0.5 height:0.5 no_rotate
          - wait 0.2s
          - ^playeffect <player.location> effect:cloud qty:25
          - shoot <player> destination:<player.location.add[0,12,0]> speed:0.5 height:0.5 no_rotate
          - wait 0.2s
          - ^playeffect <player.location> effect:cloud qty:25
          - ^cast DAMAGE_RESISTANCE duration:4.5s power:8 <player>
          - ^flag player "cooldownJetPackMaze:true" duration:15.0S
          } else {                                                                                                          ## This else is for if the player does not have Charcoal.
          - narrate "You need Charcoal to power the Jetpack."

Commandwebsite:                                             ## Quick and small script to change or add a certain command.
  type: world                                               ## This is not a very important script though
    on website command:
    - if <context.args.get[1]||null> == null {              ## If the 2nd argument in the command is null, meaning you only typed /website and not /website t
      - narrate "<&2><&l>Link to the website:"              ## Only then do we narrate information.
      - narrate "<&a>"
      - determine passively FULFILLED                       ## This means we fulfill the command, meaning you do not get the wrong command message.

berserkdamaged:                                                                             ## Very simple ability script for a boss.
  type: world
    on SkeletonBerserk damaged:                                                             ## It triggers when the boss takes damage.
    - if <[1].to[10]> == 4 {                                                 ## This takes a random integer from 1 to 10 and if it is equal to 4
      - narrate "<&4><&l>Skeleton Berserk: <&f>SPEED! I SHALL FEED UPON YOUR BONES!"        ## This means there is a 10 percent chance the boss uses this ability when damaged.
      - cast speed <context.entity> d:2 p:3                                                 ## The ability is a simple speed boost but it could be more complicated.
      }                                                                                     ## We could, for example, shoot the player a few blocks back or make the boss spawn additional monsters.

  type: world
  debug: false
    on Zombie spawns because NATURAL in SURVIVAL:                                                                                   ## Event triggers when a zombie spawns by default (not spawners) in survival world.
    - ^flag n@901 Boss:<[1].to[90]>                                                                                  ## Now we flag a specific NPC (my variable NPC) with a random number between 1 and 90.
    - if <n@901.flag[Boss]> == 10 {                                                                                                 ## Then for each boss we check if the number is equal to something and if it is then we spawn it.
      - ^spawn ZombieKing <context.location> save:boss                                                                              ## Note the save:boss so we can reuse it in the next commands.
      - ^cast FIRE_RESISTANCE d:10000 p:10 <entry[boss  ].spawned_entities>
      - ^equip <entry[boss].spawned_entities> hand:gold_sword offhand:i@shield[base_color=YELLOW;patterns=li@WHITE/STRAIGHT_CROSS]  ## Next we finally equip the boss with his weapons, and shield in this case.
      - ^determine cancelled passively
    - if <n@901.flag[Boss]> == 30 {
      - ^spawn SkeletonBerserk <context.location> save:boss
      - ^equip <entry[boss].spawned_entities> hand:i@Claw[unbreakable=true;flags=li@HIDE_Attributes|Hide_unbreakable] offhand:i@Claw[unbreakable=true;flags=li@HIDE_Attributes|Hide_unbreakable]
      - ^cast FIRE_RESISTANCE d:10000 p:10 <entry[boss].spawned_entities>
      - ^determine cancelled passively

screamloopdwarfstory:                                                                                                   ## This is a task script, it does not have any event and can only be triggered manually or with a loop.
  type: task
  debug: false
  - foreach <server.list_online_players> {                                                                              ## This is the foreach .. and in this case the do it for each online player.
    - if <> == w@DwarfVillage && <%value%.flag[RPGStoryVillageStory]> < 10 {                               ## %value% is <player> in this case because we took foreach player online.
      - random {                                                                                                        ## We check if they are in the DwarvenVillage AND if they have not finished the story.
        - narrate "<&4><&l>???: <&f>AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH..." targets:%value%                                       ## If they finished the story their flag:RPGStoryVillageStory would be 15 in this case.
        - narrate "<&4><&l>???: <&f>GOD DARN IT!" targets:%value%                                                       ## Then we just randomly play a screaming sound or narrate something.
        - narrate "<&4><&l>???: <&f>WHY YOU LITTLE.. I WILL KILL YOU!" targets:%value%
        - narrate "<&4><&l>???: <&f>AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH..." targets:%value%
        - narrate "<&4><&l>???: <&f>AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH..." targets:%value%
        - narrate "<&4><&l>???: <&f>RUN ALL YOU WANT YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY! GET BACK HERE!" targets:%value%
        - playsound ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL <%value%.location> pitch:1.6 volume:1
        - playsound ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL <%value%.location> pitch:1.6 volume:1
        - playsound ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL <%value%.location> pitch:1.6 volume:1
  - ^run screamloopdwarfstory instantly delay:240s                                                                      ## This is the most important part about a loop, it runs itself again after a certain delay, here it is 4 minutes.

# Now these are just examples, there are many and many events you can use to make a world script and there are lots of tags you can check for.
# There are also a lot of commands, more than I can show you but everything I showed you here is the basics and if you know this you can make simple quests and stories.