Paste #35915: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/09/09 22:22:58 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
      on player places block:
      - if <server.has_file[/scripts/NPMchunks/<context.location.chunk.x>,<context.location.chunk.y>.yml]>
        - yaml "load:/scripts/NPMchunks/<context.location.chunk.x>,<context.location.chunk.y>.yml" id:<context.location.chunk.x>,<context.location.chunk.y>
      #This area loads chunk yaml if it should exist
      - define id <context.location.chunk.x>,<context.location.chunk.y>
      #This area defines the name of the chunk as ID
      - if <player.in_group[player]>
      #If in player
        - if <yaml.list.contains[%id%]>
        #If the chunk contains a yaml
          - define uuid <yaml[%id%].read[uuid]>
          - if <def[uuid]> =! <player.uuid>
          #Area determines the uuid of the owner to this area, if the owner is the player affecting it, permission is granted
              - determine cancelled
              - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You cannot build here, find some free land instead."
              #If the area has a yaml, but isn't yours, you cannot build there
          - yaml create id:<context.location.chunk.x>,<context.location.chunk.y>
          - yaml id:<context.location.chunk.x>,<context.location.chunk.y> set <player.uuid>
          - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>This chunk is now yours, make some cool junk for the next rank!"
          - narrate "<&5>-If your land is found too close to others it can be reset."
          - narrate "<&5>-If you don't build in your land for a week it can be reset."
          - narrate "<&5>-If your build is found to not be in effort for promotion it can be reset."
      #If the land is free, you are given it