Paste #36839: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/10/10 11:08:03 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: item
    material: i@spider_eye
    display name: <&6><&l>Spider Egg
    - <&8>Quest Item
    - <&7><&o>A spider egg,
    - <&7><&o>it could be used
    - <&7><&o>in a soup.

    type: item
    material: i@brown_mushroom
    display name: <&6><&l>Mushroom
    - <&8>Quest Item
    - <&7><&o>A regular looking
    - <&7><&o>mushroom, it could
    - <&7><&o>be used in a soup.

    type: assignment
        on assignment:
        - trigger name:proximity state:true radius:4
    interact scripts:
    - 10 RPGStorySoupLadyQuest

    type: interact
            Proximity Trigger:
                    - random {
                        - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&f>Where did I put that?"
                        - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&f>I wonder how they are doing..."
                        - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&f>Mr. Scruffles? <&7><Mr Scruffles> <&f><&o>Meow"
                        - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>I should make dinner."
                        - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>I think I deserve a nap."
                    - if on click == 1 {
                        - ^zap step:2
                    } else {
                        - ^zap step:1
            Click Trigger:
                - ^zap step:4
                - if <player.flag[SoupLadyQuest]> == 10 {
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>Run along now."
                    - ^zap step:1
                } else {
                    - narrate "<&o>The woman eyes you over when you greet her."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>You seem like a fine young person. Would you listen to an old lady for a while?"
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&o>Without waiting for your reply, she starts in."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>When I was a young lady, about your age, I found myself a handsome young man."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>He was quite the huntsman, and would go into the woods all day to keep the monsters away from our cottage."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>I could cook him a stew from the things he brought back."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&o>She gives a light laugh."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>Then one day, he was at the village while I sat in the living room."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>I went to look at the window because he was running late. I wondered if he had gotten lost."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&o>Her eyes furrow into a frown."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>He had. He had some belle on his arm, just prancing about. He came to the door like I hadn't just seen him with her."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>That night, after we ate his stew, I threw him out."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>I saw him every day with that woman, and my looks towards him became foul. He lost the belle to some other man and came begging back to me."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>Like I would have any part in it!"
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>I haven't heard from him since. He's probably trying to find his way into some other girl's arms again."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>Well, I'd like to make a stew for him. You're a good person, and will help an old lady, won't you?"
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&o>Again, she doesn't give you time to respond."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>I'll need three mushrooms and three spider eggs. You can find both of them in the forest, not too far in there should be a nest."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>Run along now, and I'll be sure to treat you well."
                    - ^zap step:3
            click trigger:
                - ^zap step:4
                - if "<player.inventory.contains[i@RPGStorySpiderEgg].qty[3]>" && "<player.inventory.contains [i@RPGStoryMushroom].qty[3]>" {
                    - ^take i@RPGStorySpiderEgg from:<player.inventory> qty:3
                    - ^take i@RPGStoryMushroom from:<player.inventory> qty:3
                    - flag player SoupLadyQuest:10
                    - ^zap step:5
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>Oh, wonderful!"
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&o>She quickly takes the items from you and tosses them in a large black kettle"
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&o>She keeps on chuckling and humming to herself as she stirs the kettle"
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&o>After a few minutes, she nods and takes a bowl full of it."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>That should do it. Here you go. Oh!"
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&o>She hurries off to some other room of the house and returns."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>You may also find some use in this."
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>Run along now."
                    - ^zap step:1
                } else {
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>No, no. I said I needed three mushrooms and three spider eggs. Ypu can find them in the woods"
                    - wait 2
                    - narrate "<&a><&l>Soup Lady: <&7>Now go get them for my poor ex-husband."
                    - ^zap step:3
            click trigger:
                - narrate "You can't do that right now."
                - wait 5