Paste #3705: Denizen Debug Logs From A Minecraft Server

Date: 2014/04/24 09:40:00 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.7.0_51
CraftBukkit Version: git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-56-g3779cff-b3072jnks (MC: 1.7.9)
Active Plugins (15): GroupManager: 2.0 (2.12.1) (Phoenix), WorldEdit: 5.5.8-1.6.2, VoxelSniper: 5.168.9-SNAPSHOT-jnks278, 
CoreProtect: 2.0.8, Vault: 1.2.27-b349, Multiverse-Core: 2.5-b678, WorldGuard: 5.8, 
RemoteToolkitPlugin: R10_A14.5, Essentials: Pre2.13.1.6, Citizens: 2.0.13-SNAPSHOT (build 1119), 
AsyncWorldEdit: 1.1, Denizen: 0.9.4-SNAPSHOT (build 1469), EssentialsSpawn: Pre2.13.1.6, 
ChestShop: 3.7.8, EssentialsChat: Pre2.13.1.6
Loaded Worlds (15): world, world_nether, world_the_end, Warrior3, Warrior2, Captain1, Captain3, Captain2, 
Trainee1, Trainee3, Trainee2, Apprentice1, Apprentice2, Apprentice3, Warrior1
Online Players (1): Owner que1124(que1124)

07:39:00 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: HEALTH/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:00 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:00 [INFO] +> Executing 'HEALTH': action='true'  target='[n@1090]' 
07:39:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: HEALTH/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'HEALTH': qty='200'  target='[n@1090]' 
07:39:01 [INFO] +> [dNPC] Uh oh! Denizen has encountered a NPE while 
                   trying to fetch a NPC. Has this NPC been removed? 
07:39:01 [INFO] +> [dNPCRegistry] Removed NPC from dRegistry. 
07:39:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ASSIGNMENT/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:01 [INFO]  ...replacing the linked NPC with 
07:39:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'ASSIGNMENT': npc='n@1090'  action='SET'  
07:39:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'Action': Type='On assignment'  NPC='Skeleton 
                   King/1090'  Container='BOSS_T1_ASSIGN(ASSIGNMENT)'  
07:39:01 [INFO] +- Building action 'On ASSIGNMENT' for Skeleton King/1090 
07:39:01 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'NDZINEEZEZ'... 
07:39:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: TRIGGER/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'TRIGGER': trigger='proximity'  toggle='true' 
07:39:01 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: TRIGGER/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'TRIGGER': trigger='damage'  toggle='true'  
07:39:01 [INFO]  Completing queue 'NDZINEEZEZ'. 
07:39:02 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:02 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:02 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'EINENDEEDE'. 
07:39:02 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='QUEUEID'  
                   Action/Value='SET_VALUE(EINENDEEDE)'  npc='n@1090' 
07:39:02 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: EQUIP/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:02 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:02 [INFO] +> Executing 'EQUIP': entities='[n@1090]'  
                   equipment='{hand=i@bow, chest=i@iron_chestplate, 
07:39:03 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:03 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:03 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='NEXTLOC'  
                   Action/Value='SET_VALUE(Trainee1_loc1)'  npc='n@1090' 
07:39:03 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WALK/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:03 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:03 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.flag[Trainee1_loc1]> with 
07:39:03 [INFO] +> Executing 'WALK': 
                    auto_range='true'  npcs='[Skeleton King/1090]' 
07:39:09 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='NEXTLOC'  
                   Action/Value='SET_VALUE(Trainee1_loc2)'  npc='n@1090' 
07:39:10 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WALK/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.flag[Trainee1_loc2]> with 
07:39:10 [INFO] +> Executing 'WALK': 
                    auto_range='true'  npcs='[Skeleton King/1090]' 
07:39:11 [INFO] +- Parsing PROXIMITY trigger: Skeleton King/que1124 
07:39:11 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'INIZNDINNN'... 
07:39:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets]> with 'null'. 
07:39:11 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Comparable='String(null)', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(null)' --> 
07:39:12 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='BOSS_T1_SHOOT(TASK)'  
07:39:12 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'N@1090BOSS_T1_SHOOT'... 
07:39:12 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='shoot ran'  Type='ALL' 
07:39:12 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
07:39:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='TARGETS'  
07:39:12 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets]> with 
07:39:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': 
07:39:12 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
07:39:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': 
                   Message='p@2e26fd4e-564e-429f-ab3d-8a74f970afcc was added 
                   to targets'  Type='ALL' 
07:39:12 [INFO]  Completing queue 'INIZNDINNN'. 
07:39:13 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:13 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes '[location]' for tag 
07:39:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets].location> with 'null'. 
07:39:13 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='null'  Type='ALL' 
07:39:13 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: SHOOT/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:13 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes '[location]' for tag 
07:39:13 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets].location> with 'null'. 
07:39:13 [INFO]  ERROR! 'destination:null' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:13 [INFO] +> Executing 'SHOOT': origin='n@1090'  
                    height='3'  speed='2' 
07:39:14 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets]> with 
07:39:14 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Logic='NEGATIVE', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(null)' --> 
07:39:14 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:14 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Logic='NEGATIVE', 
                   Comparable='String(n@1090)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='String(null)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
07:39:14 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:14 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'N@1090BOSS_T1_SHOOT'. 
07:39:14 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='BOSS_T1_SHOOT(TASK)'  
07:39:14 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:14 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='shoot still running'  
07:39:14 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:14 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='shoot ran'  Type='ALL' 
07:39:15 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:15 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets]> with 
07:39:15 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': 
07:39:15 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:15 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes '[location]' for tag 
07:39:15 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets].location> with 'null'. 
07:39:15 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='null'  Type='ALL' 
07:39:16 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: SHOOT/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:16 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:16 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes '[location]' for tag 
07:39:16 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets].location> with 'null'. 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! 'destination:null' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:16 [INFO] +> Executing 'SHOOT': origin='n@1090'  
                    height='3'  speed='2' 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! 'context.blocks.as_list' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! '{' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! '-' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! 'showfake' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! 'm@air' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! '%value%' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! 'player:%player%' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! 'duration:20s' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! '}' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:16 [INFO]  ERROR! Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! 
07:39:16 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify a 
                   valid list or 'stop'!' 
07:39:16 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] Usage: foreach [stop/<object>|...] 
07:39:16 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:16 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets]> with 
07:39:16 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Logic='NEGATIVE', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(null)' --> 
07:39:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:17 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Logic='NEGATIVE', 
                   Comparable='String(n@1090)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='String(null)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
07:39:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'N@1090BOSS_T1_SHOOT'. 
07:39:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='BOSS_T1_SHOOT(TASK)'  
07:39:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='shoot still running'  
07:39:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='shoot ran'  Type='ALL' 
07:39:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='NEXTLOC'  
                   Action/Value='SET_VALUE(Trainee1_loc3)'  npc='n@1090' 
07:39:17 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:17 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets]> with 
07:39:17 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': 
07:39:18 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: WALK/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:18 [INFO]  Filled tag <entry[Boss_t1].created_npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:18 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.flag[Trainee1_loc3]> with 
07:39:18 [INFO] +> Executing 'WALK': 
                    auto_range='true'  npcs='[Skeleton King/1090]' 
07:39:18 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:18 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes '[location]' for tag 
07:39:18 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets].location> with 'null'. 
07:39:18 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='null'  Type='ALL' 
07:39:18 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: SHOOT/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:18 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:18 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes '[location]' for tag 
07:39:18 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets].location> with 'null'. 
07:39:18 [INFO]  ERROR! 'destination:null' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:18 [INFO] +> Executing 'SHOOT': origin='n@1090'  
                    height='3'  speed='2' 
07:39:19 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:19 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets]> with 
07:39:19 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Logic='NEGATIVE', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(null)' --> 
07:39:19 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:19 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:19 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Logic='NEGATIVE', 
                   Comparable='String(n@1090)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='String(null)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
07:39:19 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:19 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'N@1090BOSS_T1_SHOOT'. 
07:39:19 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='BOSS_T1_SHOOT(TASK)'  
07:39:19 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:19 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='shoot still running'  
07:39:19 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:19 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='shoot ran'  Type='ALL' 
07:39:20 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:20 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets]> with 
07:39:20 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': 
07:39:20 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:20 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes '[location]' for tag 
07:39:20 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets].location> with 'null'. 
07:39:20 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='null'  Type='ALL' 
07:39:21 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: SHOOT/que1124 ---------+ 
07:39:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc> with 'n@1090'. 
07:39:21 [INFO]  Unfilled attributes '[location]' for tag 
07:39:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <npc.flag[targets].location> with 'null'. 
07:39:21 [INFO]  ERROR! 'destination:null' is an unknown argument! 
07:39:21 [INFO] +> Executing 'SHOOT': origin='n@1090'  
                    height='3'  speed='2'