Paste #37849: Diff note for paste #37848

Date: 2016/11/21 20:19:25 UTC-08:00
Type: Diff Report

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 # To assign to an NPC, literally type:
 # /npc assign --set "CH_santa_greeter_assign"
     type: assignment
         on assignment:
         - trigger name:proximity state:true
         - trigger name:click state:true
         - lookclose
         on move proximity:
         - if <player.has_flag[mynpc_cooldown]> queue clear
-          - random {
-            - narrate format:cchat "<&b><><&f>! Good list or bad this year?"
-            - narrate format:cchat "Now where did I put my list?"
-            - narrate format:cchat "<&b>Momma Claus!!<&b>"
-          }
+      - random {
+        - narrate format:cchat "<&b><><&f>! Good list or bad this year?"
+        - narrate format:cchat "Now where did I put my list?"
+        - narrate format:cchat "<&b>Momma Claus!!<&b>"
+      }
         - flag player mynpc_cooldown delay:5s
     interact scripts:
     - 10 CH_santa_greeter_interact
     type: interact
             click trigger:
                 - narrate format:cchat "Welcome to <&c>Santa's Surprise, <&b><>!"
                 - wait 1
                 - narrate format:cchat "Were you Naughty or Nice this year? Type <&b>Naughty <&f>or <&b>Nice" 
             chat trigger: 
                     trigger: "/Naughty/ Evil Grin" 
                     - narrate format:cchat "<&c>ChromaHills <&f>uses an advanced <&6>Points System <&f>for kits and things, you <&6>can register <&f>at <&2> <&f>to use the Points System."
                     - wait 2 
                     - narrate format:cchat "I gave you a book that tells you about the server too"
                     - wait 2
                     - narrate format:cchat "You can play Survival with no worry even without registering!!"
                     - wait 2
                     - narrate format:cchat "Use the command <&b>/menu <&f>to access the <&6>Game Menu <&f>at any time." 
                     trigger: "/Nice/ as always" 
                     - narrate format:cchat "Take it easy <&b><>" 