Paste #37923: Denizen Debug Logs From A Minecraft Server

Date: 2016/11/23 17:26:43 UTC-08:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.7.0_80
Up-time: 6m 35s
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001 (MC: 1.8.8)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.10 (Build Unknown), CraftBukkit: 0.9.7-SNAPSHOT (build 1610)
Active Plugins (12): CorpseReborn: 2.7, Vault: 1.5.6-b49, WorldEdit: 6.1.1-SNAPSHOT;3394-9a65bdb7, 
ProtocolLib: 3.6.4, PermissionsEx: 1.23.4, LibsDisguises: 8.6.5, ArmorStandTools: 2.1.1, 
Citizens: 2.0.16-SNAPSHOT (build 1267), MythicMobs: 2.3.0, Denizen: 0.9.7-SNAPSHOT (build 1610), 
Depenizen: 0.2.2 (build 304), Webizen: 0.2.0
Loaded Worlds (3): world, world_nether, world_the_end
Online Players (1): BloodEko(BloodEko)
Offline Players: 0
Mode: offline

02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'Event': Type='on INV command'  
                   args=li@removefind|BloodEKo|x1, raw_args=removefind BloodEKo 
                   x1, command=INV, server=false, 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Building event 'ON INV COMMAND' for LC_COMMANDHANDLER 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth'... 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: DETERMINE 
                   "passively" "fulfilled" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DETERMINE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='fulfilled'  
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: IF 
                   "!<yaml.list.contains[lt]>" "{" "-" "narrate" "<&4>ERROR! 
                   Script isn't installed." "-" "narrate" "<&4>Use /lc_install" 
                   "-" "queue" "clear" "}" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <yaml.list.contains[lt]> with 'true'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: IF 
                   "!<player.is_op>" "&&" 
                   "!<player.has_permission[lc.admin]||false>" "{" "-" "narrate" 
                   "<&4>No permission." "-" "queue" "clear" "}" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.is_op> with 'true'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: IF 
                   "<context.args.size>" "==" "1" "{" "-" "if" 
                   "<context.args.get[1]>" "==" "list" "{" "-" "define" "tag" 
                   "<player.flag[erpg_tag]||default>" "-" "narrate" 
                   ]||its_empty>" "}" "else" "if" "<context.args.get[1]>" "==" 
                   "cinfo" "{" "-" "if" 
                   "{" "-" "... * snip! * 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.args.size> with '3'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Comparable='Decimal(3.0)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='Decimal(1.0)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.args.size> with '3'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Comparable='Decimal(3.0)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='Decimal(2.0)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.args.size> with '3'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Comparable='Decimal(3.0)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='Decimal(3.0)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: IF 
                   "<context.args.get[1]>" "==" "create" "{" "-" "if" 
                   "<context.args.get[2].contains[|]>" "||" 
                   "<context.args.get[2].contains[/]>" "{" "-" "define" "tagname" 
                   "-" "define" "locname" 
                   "}" "else" "{" "-" "define" "tagname" 
                   "[<player.flag[erpg_tag]||default>]<context.args.g... * snip! 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.args.get[1]> with 'removefind'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(removefind)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='Element(create)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.args.get[1]> with 'removefind'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(removefind)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   ComparedTo='Element(removefind)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: DEFINE 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.args.get[2]> with 'BloodEKo'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.match_offline_player[BloodEKo]||x> with 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: DEFINE 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.flag[erpg_tag]||default> with 'erpg'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.args.get[3]> with 'x1'. 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' 
                    definition='tagname'  value='[erpg]x1' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: DEFINE 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.flag[erpg_tag]||default> with 'erpg'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.args.get[3]> with 'x1'. 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' 
                    definition='locname'  value='erpg_x1' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: IF 
                   "<def[user].name||>" "!=" "<context.args.get[2]>" "{" "-" 
                   "narrate" "<&4>ERROR A player with this name doesn't exist." 
                   "}" "else" "{" "-" "if" 
                   "!<yaml.list.contains[lt_<def[user]>]>" "{" "-" "if" 
                   "!<server.has_file[/loot/playerdata/<def[user]>.yml]>" "{" "-" 
                   "narrate" "<&4>ERROR User has no loot file." "-" "queue" 
                   "clear" "}" "-" "yaml" "load:/loot/playerdata/<def[user]>.yml" 
                   "id:lt_<def[user]>" "}" "-" "define" "id" 
                   "<yaml[lt].read[<def[locn... * snip! * 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user].name||> with 'BloodEko'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.args.get[2]> with 'BloodEKo'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Logic='NEGATIVE', Comparable='Element(BloodEko)', 
                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(BloodEKo)' --> 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: IF 
                   "!<yaml.list.contains[lt_<def[user]>]>" "{" "-" "if" 
                   "!<server.has_file[/loot/playerdata/<def[user]>.yml]>" "{" "-" 
                   "narrate" "<&4>ERROR User has no loot file." "-" "queue" 
                   "clear" "}" "-" "yaml" "load:/loot/playerdata/<def[user]>.yml" 
                   "id:lt_<def[user]>" "}" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   with 'true'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: DEFINE 
                   "id" "<yaml[lt].read[<def[locname]>.id]||0>" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[locname]> with 'erpg_x1'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <yaml[lt].read[]||0> with 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' 
                    definition='id'  value='40' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: IF 
                   "!<yaml[lt_<def[user]>].list_keys[].size||0>" "<" "0" 
                   "{" "-" "narrate" "<&2>This player hasn't found any chest 
                   yet." "}" "else" "if" 
                   "{" "-" "narrate" "<&4>ERROR This player hasn't found this 
                   chest yet." "}" "else" "{" "-" "narrate" "<&2>Successfully 
                   removing the find of <&6><def[tagname]> <&2>on 
                   <&6><def[user].name>" "-" "yaml" "id:lt_<def[user]>" "set" 
                   "<def[id]>:!" "... * snip! * 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   with '25'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Comparing text as if it were a number - calculating 
                   based on text length 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(!25)', Operator='LESS', 
                   ComparedTo='Element(0)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[id]> with '40'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   with 'true'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: NARRATE 
                   "<&2>Successfully removing the find of <&6><def[tagname]> 
                   <&2>on <&6><def[user].name>" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <&2> with ''. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <&6> with ''. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[tagname]> with '[erpg]x1'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <&2> with ''. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <&6> with ''. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user].name> with 'BloodEko'. 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='Successfully removing the 
                   find of [erpg]x1 on BloodEko'  Targets='[p@BloodEko]' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: YAML 
                   "id:lt_<def[user]>" "set" "<def[id]>:!" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: YAML/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[id]> with '40'. 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'YAML': 
                   id='lt_p@ccea9a7f-f296-3762-8450-5f7f0d214912'  action='SET'  
                   yaml_action='DELETE'  key=''  value='false'  
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: DEFINE 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[id]> with '40'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   with '39'. 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' 
                    definition='index'  value='39' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: DEFINE 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[index]> with '39'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: DEFINE 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[index]> with '39'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   * snip! * 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' 
                   * snip! * 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: YAML 
                   "id:lt_<def[user]>" "set" "inv.id_list:!" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: YAML/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'YAML': 
                   id='lt_p@ccea9a7f-f296-3762-8450-5f7f0d214912'  action='SET'  
                   yaml_action='DELETE'  key='inv.id_list'  value='false'  
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: YAML 
                   "id:lt_<def[user]>" "set" "!" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: YAML/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'YAML': 
                   id='lt_p@ccea9a7f-f296-3762-8450-5f7f0d214912'  action='SET'  
                   yaml_action='DELETE'  key=''  value='false'  
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: YAML 
                   "id:lt_<def[user]>" "set" "inv.id_list:|:<def[newidlist]>" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: YAML/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[newidlist]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'YAML': 
                   id='lt_p@ccea9a7f-f296-3762-8450-5f7f0d214912'  action='SET'  
                   yaml_action='SPLIT'  key='inv.id_list'  
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: YAML 
                   "id:lt_<def[user]>" "set" "|:<def[newnamelist]>" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: YAML/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[newnamelist]> with 
                   * snip! * 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'YAML': 
                   id='lt_p@ccea9a7f-f296-3762-8450-5f7f0d214912'  action='SET'  
                   yaml_action='SPLIT'  key=''  
                   * snip! * 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: YAML 
                   "id:lt" "set" "<def[id]>.finders:<-:<def[user]>" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: YAML/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[id]> with '40'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'YAML': id='lt'  action='SET'  
                   yaml_action='REMOVE'  key=''  
02:26:43 [INFO]  Queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' Executing: IF 
                   "{" "-" "flag" "server" "lt_savecycle:->:<player>" "}" 
02:26:43 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
02:26:43 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[user]> with 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   with 'true'. 
02:26:43 [INFO]  Completing queue 'LC_COMMANDHANDLER_PorClaimsRuth' in 65ms.